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  1. #1

    Default Remove the 50 pix cap!

    I would like to see the the 50 pixel feather limitation completely removed!

    I realize that this is probably in place because of a assumption that objects don't need more that a certain degree of feather anyway and more than a certain amount is impractical.

    But the amount of feather the eye perceives is relative to the size of the shape... So the 50 pixel limitation only serves to prevent the image form being able to be scaled beyond a certain amount beyond which feathers will diminish relative to object size (held to the 50 pix cap), corrupting the design...

    And for a vector design to degrade when scaled....by design.... is counter to one of the prime directives of vector wholesale..........scalability.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    Not saying I would like this feature or not but I have done portraits and landscapes using large feathering and have never found the limit of 50 pix a problem. If I had done I would have cloned the object and scaled it slightly to suit the situation over the first feathering. The problem with loads of large feathering comes when exporting for print as the area in questions is flattened and occasionally I have found a slight gap in the area giving a white line. It is hardly noticeable but I know its there.
    Design is thinking made visual.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    Feathering the edges is the purpose of the tool. The Transparency Tool should be used if you want more than 50 pixels.

    Do a search for custom transparency in the Xtreme forum to get transparencies not available from the drop down list. It does involve using masks in a similar fashion to Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    Transparency tool....
    I'll have to investigate that... (thanks for the tip by the way).

    To be honest im not so much concerned with "what's under the hood" of any particular tool (from a practical stand point) just that it "gets me there" and in a proper manner befitting a vector format.
    Scalability being my bugbear here.

    I fully understand that the feather tool is designed to perform a certain task.
    But i also would say that by virtue of its innate friendliness, UI potency and the sheer predominance of this tool that people are going to tend to take to it FULLY... and leverage it to the maximum effect to which is possible, which is what i have done.

    And also the fact that this same effect CAN be achieved via transparency to an unlimited degree also puts another "bee in my bonnet" as it means there is not even a technical reason why this limit need exist.

    So in a way i'm a bit disappointed by this limitation as it cheapens Xara somewhat.
    There is ways around this as you say but it sounds allot more involved than dragging a slider...(that's what sold me on Xara... The convenience).
    So ultimately i'm never going to be satisfied with a more lengthy process.
    Although i do thank you for your information.

    Ultimately i think like a software developer (even though I'm not one) and I have vicarious Utopian aspirations for xara (and also for much of what i take to heart) that will simply never die.

    I wouldn't really expect to encounter feather problems either practically, but i none the less object to the 50 pix limit on "moral" grounds.
    i.e in that i see it as an inherent aberration due to its possible adverse effect on vector scalability.

    From a UI perspective i can understand that employing a slider would necessitate limits to move through and from this perspective it makes sense...
    But with the new dimension introduced with UI object handles to control feathering (as i have already discussed) the amount of feather you can apply need not be limited by a number or extent of a UI device (slider). This feather zone could be thus dragged in and out from either its outer or inner periphery to a virtually unlimited extent.
    Making me happy and making Xara a fiercer product... that much more impressive.
    Last edited by morphonius_821; 29 April 2009 at 02:13 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    can't say its ever bothered me either...

    David - if you haven't already done so you may like to read this thread:


    and post #56 here:


    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    Yes, we are discussing this and other improvements not the first time. Instead, we are discussing them over and over, here. So, morphonius_821 please don't definitely expect a change with such details.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    Yeah...well thanks for the heads up...
    Add my voice to the chorus i guess...

    Just by the way is there any list anywhere where, where xara discusses/lists functions and fixes they are developing and implementing for the next version or intend on developing etc...
    or is that stuff kept under wraps for security reasons etc... between release dates for subsequent updates?

    It would be really interesting to see just how much updating takes place and how big a splash the changes that are made make when a new release is rolled out...(I'm too new to get a handle on how big a step an upgrade/new version is.)
    But in so far as other software goes, one in particular that i use daily for my embroidery digitizing, these are always grossly underwhelming.

    Often there is a laundry list of things they say are fixed and updated and then when you take a look its all fluff and the app is not any easier to use or more powerful... money frittered away in my view.
    Id much rather they concentrate on one function and really kill it rather than spray the sparse drops of their R&D budgets like insignificant drops all over the app trying to please every one yet achieving fundamentally nothing.
    Heres hoping Xara is more progressive.
    Personally if some of the more simple stuff we are requesting are not fixed in the next update i will be a little shocked.
    For example if there is still no shortcut for the color picker in the next version then i will be starting to think that no real evolution is taking place at Xara and will continue to use it but will be waiting to see if inkscape or somebody else comes to the fore, i have to see evolution taking place at a fundamental level or else the app will ultimately die.

    Xara seems to have quite a sturdy core (by the look of a laymen) so im kinda hoping thats some great stuff (like some of the things i and others have been suggesting) can be achieved without adverse impact on Xara's core.

    Alot of my suggestions are fundamentally UI improvements (not that that makes anything easy) but i hold out high hopes for Xara's development...
    How quickly do the wheels turn?

    Remi: you sound like you have given up waiting for your requests to be implemented?
    Last edited by morphonius_821; 29 April 2009 at 03:32 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    Xara's latest development steps was more to please the hobbiest market, because they see this market as their chance to earn money. Some of us are waiting for new vector tools as seen in other vector editors since years. Xara isn't talking about their next steps, so you will see no such list. Take your time and study other posts and you will be surprised how often you're able to find some great ideas in this threads. But only Charles Moir can tell you, whenever they will find the time to develop the tons of improvements on their list.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    Quote Originally Posted by morphonius_821 View Post
    Remi: you sound like you have given up waiting for your requests to be implemented?
    Some of them were implemented, some not. I will wait some few years, until I see the others implemented.

    earnestly: There are tons of other great feature requests posted at TG. I wouldn't think that my ideas are the most important ones.

    In the end, Xara Xtreme is a neat tool, but it's just a tool. From time to time I use other tools, in order to benefit from their features.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Remove the 50 pix cap!

    David there are many 'wish list' threads as Remi mentioned. They only indicate those posted here. Xara Ltd has their own in house wish list which is the actual working list.

    We can only assume that some or all of the member's wish list items are included on the Master List.

    Your posts have no more weight than any of the many others made over the past 10+ years.

    May I remind you that these are not debating forums and not a place to attempt to out post others with your ideas. I suggest you find and read all the other wish lists so you are not repeating what others have already post in the past.

    A search for wish list returned 500 threads http://www.talkgraphics.com/search.p...=1214465&pp=25

    That doesn't include threads where feature requests were made without anyone mentioning wish list so other searches may also be required to locate all the relevant posts. There are currently 113,581 posts in the Xtreme forum.
    Last edited by Soquili; 29 April 2009 at 04:24 PM.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update



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