Perhaps.... XWD should have been released as XWD 1.0 instead of 5.0! It is unfair to expect a fledging application to come out of the blocks as a world beater. I think that it will develop into something quite special but not in its first incarnation by version 5.0! Web design is no longer a black art, if a multinational company wants a website, they'll expect to pay thousands of $'s and their designer not liable to rely on XWD. For the majority of sites, most of what's required can be achieved in XWD... that is its target market. A couple of weeks ago, a colleague proudly showed off his new Dreamy website... there was nothing that could not have been achieved in XWD. It's almost snob value... you do not need to go shopping in a Rolls Royce when a Mini will do... particularly in the mini is a Mini Cooper! (UK users will get that one!)