Really, when you think about it, this whole PC vs Mac thing is rather silly. Kinda like the guys that argue between Ford, Chevy and Dodge trucks ;-)
Thanks guys .. you've answered questions quite fully!

I have decided it's time for me to upgrade my system & the only thing that has been holding me back from going to a MacBook Pro (with an i7 chip/ 8Gb ram, etc., etc.) is of course being able to continue using the ONLY true graphics program XARA (oops, this comment has the makings to start another war) Anyway at the moment I am in the chip$ & find I need try something different like a MacBook Pro. I agree with the main gist here .. it's definitely not got anything to do with the OS's.

But I must admit that with a Scottish name like MacIntosh "ya canna go wrong laddie!" Ceart gu le�r a' Ross?
Seriously folks I know I'm not much for posting here but I do value the opinions of you all! Thanks much appreciated.
