Anyone can post in this thread and vote in the poll, even if you're not registered. But registering is recommended.
Yes, they’re a useful, good value new option
No, too limited to be any use, a bit of a con
Anyone can post in this thread and vote in the poll, even if you're not registered. But registering is recommended.
I would suggest another option ....... "What's a Netbook?"
There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Netbooks are small portable computing devices, similar to a notebook, they are great for surfing the Net and checking email. Netbooks are commonly shipped with SSD - Solid State Disks. They have no optical drives.
The ASUS Eee PC was one of the first (cheap) succesfull Netbooks.
The term NetBook was first used by Psion.
Generically it can be applied to any Network enabled notebook.
I purchased a Dell Mini-9 just to see what they're all about.
Apart from Firefox, I haven't loaded any applications onto it, but it's proving very useful just as it is.
I have all my RoboForm stuff from my main desktop on a USB thumb drive and I use the Netbook to Remote Desktop into my main PC.
That basically gives me a full-fledged PC (albeit with a rather small screen) in a very portable package.
I'm no speed typist and the keyboard is a bit cramped for my over-sized claws, but I couldn't live without Dragon NaturallySpeaking on my desktop, and I look forward to installing it on the Mini-9 as well.
Last edited by Soporose; 01 April 2009 at 03:09 AM. Reason: Addition
I love my new Asus Eee PC HE. It starts much faster than my Toshiba laptop. With an external DVD drive it can do just about anything. I did install Linux on a partition.![]()
I first purchased an Asus eeePC and liked it, but didn't like Linux so much even though I dual booted Ubuntu Linux on my full size Vaio laptop for several months to try it out before I purchased the Asus eeePC and switched to the full desktop mode on the eeePC which looks sorta like Windows. Added Wine and run some windows apps on it too. Mine is one the 700 series, a 4GB SSD inside, upgraded RAM to 1GB. This is the listen to music machine while I web browse and email as it is truly hardier without a fragile hard drive forcing you to stay still while you use it.
I purchased an Acer Aspire One next, with a 120GB hard drive and 1GB RAM with Windows XP. A little bit larger than my eeePC with the screen and the keyboard improving a lot but without a big weight difference (a few ounces). I can do most any task I normally do with this little guy except heavy duty 3D rendering or manipulation of very large files. The screen is incredibly sharp and easy to read. Sits easily on my lap and fits in my purse, very happy with it.
I am not interested in any flavour of Linux so the Eee was, and remains, not an option. When a netbook with Windows became available the Managing Director or SWAMBO who frequently works in libraries on research became very interested. I remained doubtful but, after some investigation, bought one for her. We are VERY satisfied and I am also planning on buying one to hook to a GPS and OziExplorer for our travels and 4wding. We also develop a website of our travels while we are away for our family & friends to follow our travels. The netbook will do this easily. Ours has a 160MB hard disk drive (forget 4/8/16/32GB), Windows Home and Wireless.
Love them![]()
Almost all ASUS Eee Netbooks are available with Windows XP as an option and have been for a year.
I've been considering a netbook for my writing activities, since I use OpenOffice Writer for most of my first drafts.. I do have specialized novel-writing software, but it runs successfully under Wine so that's good.
My main concern is the keyboard.. the few I've tried feel far too small to actually be useful for full-throttle writing-for-hours mode.. and I really don't want to blow the money if it's not going to work!
The only alternate for me is a thing called the Neo, which is basically a small display welded to a full-size keyboard running a hardwired work processor - has USB connectivity so I can copy to/from my dekstop. $230, which is close to the price of a cheap netbook.
Ugh. Decisions, decisions.
I've tried a few Netbooks and the keyboards seem just barely big enough ( and I have small hands ),
But the deal killer ( for me at least ) is the tiny size of the images and font on the screen.
I've reached the age where my eyesight is beginning to betray me, so using a computer with such a small display just isn't a realistic option.
- A