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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Smile Photo Gallery Integration into Existing Site

    Hi. I love your new product, but have a question about integrating a photo gallery into an existing website. I copied the code into a site's div yesterday, but the photo gallery overlayed the images near the top of the site's page. I then added a margin-top value to the first 2 divs in the xara code. That moved the images down the page, but when I clicked on the thumbnail images, the popup images no longer worked. These are the lines I added the margin-top values to. (original code.. no margin-top values here..)

    <!--[if IE]><div class="ap" id="xr" style="width: 760px; height: 700px; top:0px; left:50%; margin-left: -380px; clip: rect(0px 760px 700px 0px);"><![endif]-->
    <!--[if !IE]>--><div class="ap" id="xr" style="width: 760px; height: 700px; top:0px; left:50%; margin-left: -380px; clip: rect(0px, 760px, 700px, 0px);"><!--<![endif]-->

    I'm not a javascript coder and am relatively new to CSS and XHTML.

    Could you tell me if there's an easy way to modify the xara code to move the photo gallery images down the page and maintain the popup capability?

    Thanks for your time.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Photo Gallery Integration into Existing Site

    Hi Lynn.
    First of all, you have not told us what gallery snippet you use. So my advice may not work.
    Try to put your code into the placeholder object in your design. Place it where you want the gallery to be placed and make it of required size.
    For example, create rectangle, open Web Properties dialog (Ctrl+Shift+W), open Placeholder tab, copy+paste the code that you have into the "Replace with HTML code:" field, click Apply button.
    That's it.
    If it doesn't work, tell us more about your gallery script.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Smile Re: Photo Gallery Integration into Existing Site

    Thanks. I looked at what you were referring to and now have a better understanding of the product. By including placeholders, the program knows how to appropriately place/size the photo gallery on the page because it looks like it's using absolute positioning. I tried what you recommended and the photo gallery was moved down the page where I wanted it to be and the popups worked. I'm having problems with links on the page, but I may have screwed something up, so I'll take a look at this next week. Thanks again!



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