Thought it might be a nice idea to make a thread that shows off sites made in Xara Web Designer, just to see what an excellent program it is!
Here's one I'm doing for a friend:
Thought it might be a nice idea to make a thread that shows off sites made in Xara Web Designer, just to see what an excellent program it is!
Here's one I'm doing for a friend:
Yes, a good idea. It will provide some good evidence for the ney-sayers of WD's website making ability. Here's my site.
I posted a site I constructed..but got no replies.
It is a prototype for a "Guild Wars" guild forum..
the Prototype
I am not finished yet waiting for the site manager to reply with comments.
My prototype page isn't showing cause some files were messed-up during "upload" and now I can't log in to fix em Sorry 'bout that.
Nicely done, what did you use for the header (flash)
also, when I place my mouse over the header, a white border appears.
Here's my first website (a re-design for a client). A few bits to be done and content to be added...but pretty much done:
XWD is a great tool to work with. I'm still learning but it just keeps getting better.
Two Big Thumbs up!