Thought it might be a nice idea to make a thread that shows off sites made in Xara Web Designer, just to see what an excellent program it is!
Here's one I'm doing for a friend:
Thought it might be a nice idea to make a thread that shows off sites made in Xara Web Designer, just to see what an excellent program it is!
Here's one I'm doing for a friend:
Yes, a good idea. It will provide some good evidence for the ney-sayers of WD's website making ability. Here's my site.
I posted a site I constructed..but got no replies.
It is a prototype for a "Guild Wars" guild forum..
the Prototype
I am not finished yet waiting for the site manager to reply with comments.
My prototype page isn't showing cause some files were messed-up during "upload" and now I can't log in to fix em Sorry 'bout that.
Here's one for My Neighborhood Association. Still waiting additional data and approval from the board members. Has blog and form from another tool making use of the XWD placeholder.
Created this site as a test last night. It's been on my to do list for the last 12 months and thanks to XWD I managed to get it to this level in 6 or so hours.
John, Great site - well done.
Great art too.
And Welcome to another Aussie to TG
This was my first test site before I did the Workbook (the Workbook was a lot more work ) Placitas Artists is a website I set up several years ago to provide free web galleries to my community. We have just under 80 galleries which I maintain. I decided to redo my gallery in Web Designer and have not set it up as a template for adding new artists.
Gary W. Priester | | eyeTricks on Facebook | eyeTricks on YouTube | eyeTricks on Instagram