XaraLX is complete open source. There's not a tiny proprietary bit that I'm aware of.
XaraLX is complete open source. There's not a tiny proprietary bit that I'm aware of.
"License: Proprietary and GNU General Public License"
"The Xara LX source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL)."
The wikipedia page describes multiple products. Some of them, Like Xtreme are proprietary, while Xtreme LX is comletely open source.
In other words, entire source code of the Xtreme LX is open and released under GNU. It does not use any proprietary code.
The Windows Xtreme is a different product with different licensing.
But I though you were talking about LX, don't you?
John the CDraw code is proprietary and has been the reason many Linux developers have not wanted to contribute.
The linux developers wanted access to the CDraw code which Xara Group Ltd. is understandably unwilling to release as open source. That would be like willingly putting themselves out of business.
Although the open source Cairo could be used to continue the Linux development by 3rd party coders. No one seems to want to use code that is not up to CDraw's abilities.
a.k.a. Bill Taylor
Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
My TG Album
Last XaReg update
Well, sad story that is...![]()
covoxer use for example Inkscape [1], support the Libre Graphics Meeting [2] or go to this event [3]. Inkscape is open source.
[1] http://inkscape.org/
[2] http://www.pledgie.com/campaigns/2926
[3] http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/2009/
Why should I? Am I interested in Inkscape?
LX is open source. At least, all the code you need to add support for any palettes as discussed in this thread is as open as in Inkscape.
Another problem is that there's not much developers willing to do this. But that's the whole idea of open source: if you need the feature and it's missing - develop it! And there will be one missing feature less for you and all other users. Complaining about missing features is reasonable only with commercial software since you pay for it and you can't modify it. But complaining on open source is complaining on yourself.
Last edited by covoxer; 20 March 2009 at 03:22 PM.
Only because there are numerous linux programers working on Inkscape, and none willing to work on XaraLX. That's whats really the saddest part.
I, myself have been very slowly working on learning some programing but, unfortunately I am not very handy at learning from text. But, once I do finally feel I have enough under my belt, and understand... I definitely plan on trying to work on adding this same type of functionality to XaraLX
But this is probably a long way off if depending solely on me![]()