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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    Default More Animation controls

    Suggested added functionality added to keystrokes:

    Page Up: Select Previous Frame
    Page Down: Select Next Frame
    Home: Go to First Frame
    End: Go to Last Frame

    I would also like to be able to select a group of frames in the frame gallery and move them as a group, rather than dragging them one at a time. This would also be welcome functionality in moving groups of pages instead of moving them individually.

    Shift Page Up: Move Frame Up
    Shift Page Down: Move Frame Down

    I would also like to be able to delete multiple frames.

    The preview editor is a bit lame on functionality. Is it possible to have a slider bar at the bottom of the animation frame that we could move to scrub through the animation?

    Would it be possible to redesign the frame gallery to have the option to be horizontal? That would be much more practical.

    It would also be very helpful to be able to put some kind of separator into the frame gallery to mark off the end of scenes.

    It seems like the animation development of Xtreme has not been beefed up with the exception of adding flash export. The file size information that is in the preview, could be incorporated as a pop-up rather than as another large window.

    Is it possible to add avi export as well? Or at least export the entire animation as individual numbered images (jpg,png,etc.) This would make it handy to edit in other video editing program.

    It would also be nice to be able to add/edit lines in the guide layer of an animation.

    My Site

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Las Vegas, NV, USA

    Default Re: More Animation controls

    The ability to reverse frames would be greatly appreciated. So for example, say you have a 100 frame animation, it would be great to be able to select a range of frames, say 32 to 74 and then click a button that says reverse, and have the order go 29, 30, 31, 74, 73, 72, 71...32, 75, 76, etc.
    My Site



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