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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default How to upload file

    I have 16 pages of X4 files which I grouped and saved as .jpg's then saved as a .xar file and then exported as a .jpg file.

    I then put a link to this file by putting the file name in the URL box on the "web address" option.

    I then tried to upload using Filezilla - first, dropped the file into the window under public.html folder. It does not work.

    Second, I deleted that out of the public.html and dropped it into the index.htm_files - still doesn't work.

    In both cases, I get the error message - "file not found".

    I tried with and without the .jpg extension.

    What did I do wrong?

    Here is the url - www.floridacommunitynews.com

    - jb
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  2. #2

    Default Re: How to upload file

    Quote Originally Posted by jeb View Post
    I have 16 pages of X4 files which I grouped and saved as .jpg's then saved as a .xar file and then exported as a .jpg file.
    This has confused me?
    Xtreme pages will be exported as separate .html pages - you can't actually group pages.

    Quote Originally Posted by jeb View Post
    I then put a link to this file by putting the file name in the URL box on the "web address" option.
    You can't link a file to itself simply by adding it's name in the URL box.
    Linking is done from another file which calls it. The link must be applied to an object on the referring page, such as text or a graphic button.

    Quote Originally Posted by jeb View Post
    I then tried to upload using Filezilla - first, dropped the file into the window under public.html folder. It does not work.
    What doesn't work? Uploading? How big is the .jpg

    Quote Originally Posted by jeb View Post
    Second, I deleted that out of the public.html and dropped it into the index.htm_files - still doesn't work.

    In both cases, I get the error message - "file not found".
    What are you typing in the browser address bar that give the file not found message?
    The file will only be found if there is a correctly formatted referring link to it (from another page) and the file exists at the location the link refers to.

    Quote Originally Posted by jeb View Post
    I tried with and without the .jpg extension.
    Removing the file extension on any file type is not recommended. Without it, the referring page (link) won't find it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jeb View Post
    What did I do wrong?
    Everything by the sounds of it Jeb
    Last edited by steve.ledger; 16 January 2009 at 07:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: How to upload file

    [QUOTE=sledger;285393]This has confused me?
    Xtreme pages will be exported as separate .html pages - you can't actually group pages.

    Well, if you go to "edit" and then to "page options", you can duplicate a page - it puts it below the current page. ("Page" may be the wrong name but that is what it looks like.)

    If you then select all that is on that page (page 1?) and and delete it and then paste what you have on another page you now have another page (page 2?). I did this 16 times putting 16 pages, one under the other. (See attached .zar file)

    I had changed EACH page to a .jpg before I copied/paste them and then exported all of them as one .jpg file.

    Ref my email, I have now managed to get the link to the file to work - sort of.

    It brings up what I call "page 16" - the last one in the attached file.

    Hey, it's progress. - jb
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Egg Bramhill; 17 January 2009 at 03:21 AM. Reason: Removed bold type ~ It looks like you're shouting.
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: How to upload file

    Jeb, why are you grouping all your page content. This will force XX to export each pages content as an image. There are several reasons not to do this, one is file size and another is Search Engine compatibility.

    There is no reason to convert your text to an image (especially a jpg which is rubbish at rendering text). Text is far better rendered by the browser than as an image. Search Engines can also read text this way but if you convert it to an image it can't.

    Your attahed xar file is 7 Mbs. Your web site won't be far off this size and there's no need for the site to be a tenth of this. Probably a lot less as well.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: How to upload file

    Ref grouping a page -

    There are several reasons not to do this, one is file size and another is Search Engine compatibility.

    Tks Egg - someone said that you should not use .png, which is what X4 seems to save everything as when I export, so I tried changing things to jpg. Would tif be a better way to go?

    Also, I thought, mistakenly , that one grouped page file would be less that several not grouped files.

    There is no reason to convert your text to an image (especially a jpg which is rubbish at rendering text). Text is far better rendered by the browser than as an image. Search Engines can also read text this way but if you convert it to an image it can't.

    I was trying to get away from the png, as above, and also the font used for the COMMUNITY NEWS is a non-standard font. I needed to change it to a bit file so it doesn't screw up the site when displayed.

    I do understand about search engines and content/text but that is not an issue for this site - just to put up the back and present issues so advertisers can go see their ads and an email address to contact the paper.

    Your attahed xar file is 7 Mbs. Your web site won't be far off this size and there's no need for the site to be a tenth of this. Probably a lot less as well.

    First, what file format do I use instead of jpg?

    Second, is the way I am trying to get all the pages up so someone can click on a link to that months issue and get ALL the pages, without having to keep clicking on links from page 1 to 2 to 3 . . . the way to do this? If not, how do I do it?

    Tks for the reply and have a great day - jb
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  6. #6

    Default Re: How to upload file

    Hi Jeb,

    Please avoid using bold type when posting, this is taken as shouting on forums.

    JPG is the best (and recommended) format for hi-colour images on the web such as photos. GIF is best for low-colour (up to 256 colours) and images which require transparent backgrounds.
    TIF is not an image type displayed natively by browsers.

    What Egg was pointing out is that having each page as 1 single image makes your site almost the same megabyte size as your .xar source file.
    This is too large and makes no sense when separate graphics elements along with plain text is all that is necessary and is much smaller. People on slower internet connections will not enjoy the lenghty wait your site will cause them.
    Search engine friendliness is besides this point.

    Second, is the way I am trying to get all the pages up so someone can click on a link to that months issue and get ALL the pages, without having to keep clicking on links from page 1 to 2 to 3 . . . the way to do this? If not, how do I do it
    I'm not sute why you want to avoid this? Page links are analogous to turning pages in a book or magazine.
    'Next' and 'Back' links along with page number links is pretty much the standard and normal way to allow users to navigate your site.

    I think this thread is heading away from the topic of simply 'uploading' your files.




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