Yes, but until the advent of computer graphics, I had no outlet.

I failed to inherit my families skill with pencil and brush, my grandmother, mother and brother are all fairly accomplished with the traditional art mediums. I loved art and technical drawing at school, but for some reason all my efforts were destinctly below average, full of smudges and unrealised or poorly implemented ideas.

All that changed in 1985 when I got an AMX mouse and graphics package for my BBC Micro.

What I needed was the ability to keep trying different things out on the same area of a piece of work until I was happy.

My initial work using the BBC Micro equivalent of Mac Paint even got published in 1986, it was simple black and white artwork using the airbrush and line tools.

This would have been unimaginable to me prior to 1985.

Computers have become my canvas and sketchpad and I for one would be a poorer person without it.
