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  1. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    I think this may be an opportunity to learn to love paw-marks. Think of it as designer customisation. You were living under the illusion that your car was clean after you washed it, when in fact it was already getting dusty. This is Gods way of telling you that you're wasting your time. Solve the cat problem and things can only get worse!

    Learn to love the cat. Learn to love paw-marks.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    London, England

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    Edgar Cayce said that man has managed to tame just about everything except himself.

    Incidentally, in most countries (probably all countries actually), FM radio broadcasts that are in stereo contain a constant high frequency tone, used amongst other things to light the "stereo" indicator on your radio. The 19kHz tone is just above our frequency range but audible to most pets.

    Therefore if you have the radio on in your house every day and you have a pet, it is likely being subjected to a continual high pitched tone all the while. Although mercifully it is at a much lower volume than the other audio content.

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    I watched a program a while back about how cat owners who are house proud can and will "de-claw" their cats (thanks to some stupid vets) so they don't mark the furniture.

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    North Aurora, Illinois

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    I'm so sorry but I totally disagree with folks who say a cat has every right to roam where it may. A few years ago I found a cat on the side of the road and it would not move. I thought it had been hit by a car. I called animal control and they came out. I stayed with the cat till they got there. Turned out that the cat was just traumatized by being outside. Some well meaning person had made the cat got outdoors and the cat did not know what to do and was scared to death.

    I also had a totally white cat but for a black streak on its forehead. This particular cat would NOT go outside (this is back when I mistakenly thought cats had to go outside). It was frightened to death to go outside and was totally happy to sit in windows and look out.

    If you think cats belong outside, then you missed my response where I mention in another thread that you haven't seen your beloved pet flattened in the roadway. I lost my cat this way. It is hearbreaking to lose a pet you love with every fiber of your being to be found looking like Sunday's pancake breakfast.

    You do not have the right to subject your neighbors to your cat's antics, garden digging, car crawling and urine spewing treats. I watched my cat spray (yes, my cat...again before I knew better) a neighbor's bush by their front door. It stunk for days afterward.

    I know it's not a cat, but as an example, I had a large dog, Rasta. She was not spayed (before I knew better about this too) and a tiny poodle would wander over to our house and try to hump her leg. I called the owners on the tag and would tell them to come get their dog. This dog showed up 3 times. As small as it was, I stilled feared that Rasta would get pregnant. No worry. The small, cute poodle was found dead in the middle of Pennsylvania Av and Westwood Dr. a week after I last saw it.

    Yep, you must really love your animals if you think they have the right to roam the streets. I won't appologize for that. I truly believe it's laziness on the owner's part to let a pet run free. They don't want to spend the time to walk or play with their animals so they let them run free to get their exercise and fun. To say that a cat's different from a dog and deserves to run where it may is just an excuse. Yeah they're different as apple and oranges but they are still fruits and cats and dogs are still pets.
    Things you should never say when pulled over by the police:
    Could you hold my beer while I dig out my license?

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    Well, Steve (Sledger) has a problem with a cat... any ideas so far, seem pretty much null, as most involve him sitting & waiting in an area selected with precision for countless hours at a time...
    Steve, I am sorry to say... sounds like this cat has you right where it wants you... has set to the task of driving you completely insane, and the sweet taste of victory is not far from it's grasp...
    And Steve, is only one of millions across our globe who has been selected for this random experiment, which will expose mankind's greatest weaknesses, in preparation for the inevitable invasion to follow.
    That's right people, the truth is now known... we are being studied, and will soon be assimilated... by cats from some far-off and unknown universe... (just as the ancient Egyptians were) There is no hope... there is no escape.
    "Theeeeeey're Baaaaaaaaaaack"

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    Nancy you make a very good case for not having a cat as a pet in the first place

    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    Hello Nancy,

    I love you dearly but you are misguided in your beliefs that a cat belongs indoors:

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    Some well meaning person had made the cat got outdoors and the cat did not know what to do and was scared to death.
    The was the fault of the people that had had the same ideas as you and had never let their cat outside in its proper environment. Improson a human being for the first 20 years of its life and then throw it outside and see how far it gets!

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    It was frightened to death to go outside and was totally happy to sit in windows and look out.
    That is called conditioning and institutionalisation. It happens to humans as much as it does to cats and it is pitiful. Cats aren't psychiatric patients or prisoners unless we make it so.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    If you think cats belong outside, then you missed my response where I mention in another thread that you haven't seen your beloved pet flattened in the roadway.
    Yes I have. Nine months ago one of our three cats was killed right outside the house. Fortunately he was killed outright and did not suffer. We, my wife and I, suffered far more. We buried him underneath the swingbench that was his favourite place to sun himself and swing in a gently breeze. It was, as you say, heartbreaking, but it did not make me want tp imprison my two other cats. Louis died because his survival instincts were no match for the speed of an oncoming car. That is the way of things. He wasn't killed by cruelty or maltreatment. He was killed by the world he lived in, the same world in which he lived naturally and happily whilst he was alive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    You do not have the right to subject your neighbors to your cat's antics, garden digging, car crawling and urine spewing treats.
    Then you should not have a cat. If you have a cat, male or female, you should have it neutered. The males will be more docile, will almost certainly never spray anywhere and will be far more sociable. Most people who do not neuter their pets are irresponsible and are part of the reason the animal welfare authorities are overburdened.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    No worry. The small, cute poodle was found dead in the middle of Pennsylvania Av and Westwood Dr. a week after I last saw it.
    This was the fault of the irresponsible owners. The dog died because of the owners. It was not the dog's fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    Yep, you must really love your animals if you think they have the right to roam the streets.
    If you really love animals and you live in an urban area you shouldn't have one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    I truly believe it's laziness on the owner's part to let a pet run free.
    Dogs are pack animals. A well-trained dog that is happy and comfortable in his environment, who doesn't think he is pack leader will not stray. Straying dogs are the fault of irresponsible owners. There are incredibly successful non-violent ways of ensuring your dog is happy and content to be your subordinate in the pack. The poodle who died thought it was his responsibility to mate with every bitch on heat because his owners were useless. Dogs are incapable of handling the duties involved in being pack leader in a human world. That is why you get separation anxiety, soiling, barking, damage to property and wandering off. It is always the fault of the owner.

    Cats, on the other hand, will stray. It is in the nature of the animal. End of story. Keeping it cooped up inside, de-clawing it, homogenising it to suit your lifestyle is cruel. Watch "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and apply that to your cat. Society imprisons people who are deemed to be a danger to themselves. And that's what you would do to a cat - except that it is not mentally il... which makes it all the more cruel.

    Better then not to have a cat at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Burpee View Post
    To say that a cat's different from a dog and deserves to run where it may is just an excuse. Yeah they're different as apple and oranges but they are still fruits and cats and dogs are still pets.
    Yes, and as humans we have a responsibility to our animals, not just to care for them, but to understand how they tick. I'm sorry Nancy, but much as I would love to agree with you, I cannot, because your love for your cat(s) is misguided. If you truly love cats (and I'm convinced that you do) and you fear for their safety in the area where you live, then you should not have one.

  8. #78

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    Quote Originally Posted by kinetica View Post
    Jesus Steve, if you're going to get personal about me, there's no need to do it in open forum! http://mail.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/m...ticons7/20.gif
    Don't worry Dood... If you haven't been "fingered by Handrawn" you wouldn't be a fully fledged member of TG...
    Welcome to the frey...(sorry steve (i know im going to pay for that one...)

    P.S yes cats are quirky, adorable........ killing machines.....
    And as beloved as they are they really should not be allowed to wreak havoc on the environment...
    And this begs legislation as saying "every owner has to be responsible" is simply paying lip service to pragmatism.

    P.P.S i know in the U.S. you have the constitutional right to bare arms...but does your Smith & Wesson have legs and a mind of its own? And does it leave its case at night to stalk cute furry animals, blow them away and crawl back in side to curl up at your feet...?
    Last edited by morphonius_821; 08 June 2009 at 11:11 AM.

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    I do believe David that reference of yours to Mr K's jest is one of those 'out of context' remarks that you yourself are always complaining about

    would that I were that important
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #80

    Default Re: Foiling the feline

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    I do believe David that reference of yours to Mr K's jest is one of those 'out of context' remarks that you yourself are always complaining about
    No, I think the context was perfect for a bad joke is all...(No offense intended).
    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    would that I were that important
    Don't undersell yourself dood..... your like an item of furniture around here.




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