Edit: Wrong forum, Xtreme for Linux suits better... my mistake :/

Xara Xtreme for Linux is great tool but there are no previews of xar files anywhere. Its real pain if you're used to thumbnails in Windows Explorer and preview integrated into Xtremes open dialog. I couldn't stand it anymore, here's quick solution for Gnome (and Nautilus file manager)

It's python script using gif2png tool for conversions, make sure you have both of these installed.
First create the script file:
sudo gedit /usr/bin/xar-thumbnailer
... and put following code inside

import sys
import struct
import os
import gnomevfs

inputFile = gnomevfs.get_local_path_from_uri(sys.argv[1])
xar = open( inputFile,"rb")
xar.seek(12,0) # skip ID and TAG_FILEHEADER
fhSize = xar.read(4) # read Fileheader size
fhSize = struct.unpack("=I",fhSize)[0]
xar.seek(fhSize,1) # skip Fileheader
tag = struct.unpack("=I",xar.read(4))[0]
if tag == 61: # 61 == TAG_PREVIEWBITMAP_GIF
	prevSize = xar.read(4) # read preview size
	prevSize = struct.unpack("=I",prevSize)[0]
	os.system("dd if="+inputFile+" bs=1 count="+str(prevSize)+" skip="+str(xar.tell())+"| gif2png -f > "+sys.argv[2]);

Make it executable:
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/xar-thumbnailer
Script is ready now we need schema file to register the thumbnailer with gnome.
Create schema file:
sudo gedit /usr/share/gconf/schemas/xar.schemas
Fill it with following:

            <locale name="C">

            <default>/usr/bin/xar-thumbnailer %u %o</default>
            <locale name="C">

Note that this expects xar files to be associated with mime type application@xara, I don't know what mime type gnome automaticaly assigns to xar files so you may need to change application@xara to something else in this file or change mimetype of your xar files to application@xara to make this work.

Install schema:
gconftool-2 --install-schema-file /usr/share/gconf/schemas/xar.schemas
Now restart nautilus or restrat gnome.
killall -9 nautilus