I really didn't think this would be that hard to answer. However, I did find a compromise that works. Thanks for the info.

Quote Originally Posted by Albacore View Post
If they have any versions that are older than this they are not the clients that I would want to have!
This is an opinion that I find offensive. You do not know anything about me, or my clients. It is not necessarily that anyone is still using version 3, but that some programs (Freehand and CorelDraw) do not import versions higher than v7, so v3 is the only choice. In a world where Adobe dominates the universe, we who use Xara, CorelDraw and Freehand (basically anything but Illustrator) are exploring ways to make everything work together. I have dozens of current clients, in all types of printing industries, and as many printing processes all of which have very specific requirements. You may have the luxury of "picking" your clients, but I try to serve all of my clients regardless of their situation and experience.