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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Default Re: another new curve drawing tool - Ananya

    Well, I guess you need to watch the demo videos, because the new capabilities of this curve drawing tool are obviosuly complex. E.g.:

    1. it has a new curve model ("Ananya") that allows more flexible designs than previously possible (or with vastly more nodes on Bezier curves).

    2. the program gets rid the Bezier handles for good. .... And this applies even to Bezier curves. Obviously one can become very proficient using the standard handles; nevertheless they are the nightmare of any beginner and better options are beginning to emerge (both Spiro and this program use only "on-curve points", to adjust curves more quickly and far more intuitively).

    3. the program also offers some "restricted" curve models (e.g. conical curves, circular arcs) which are indeed interesting as they allow the easy drawing of absolutely regular curves and, through concatenation of such curves, complex geometrical objects. The options for these precise designs are perhaps CAD-like and are above the regular drawing vector tools.

    In my eyes a very interesting and promising approach.
    Last edited by lutz; 18 August 2008 at 11:35 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Dallas, TX

    Default Re: another new curve drawing tool - Ananya

    Quote Originally Posted by lutz View Post
    ...In my eyes a very interesting and promising approach.
    Agreed. The ability to mirror a curve about the right or left edges would be useful, as shown in the 'heart' example. Xtreme would benefit from something like that, and some of the other stuff, which is why I think this thread should really be left where it was originally.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: another new curve drawing tool - Ananya

    I've taken the liberty of moving this thread back to the Xara Xtreme forum, because it seems, that this thread is meant as a feature request for Xara Xtreme.


  4. #14

    Default Re: Feature Request: another new curve drawing tool

    Quote Originally Posted by lutz View Post
    Another interesting new curve drawing tool - Ananya as a standalone program and as PS plug-in.
    Very interesting. Since Xara handles Photoshop plugins, will it work with Xara? Anyone tried?


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Feature Request: another new curve drawing tool

    in photoshop it is called up as a separate program in which to draw the curves - the result is then returned to photoshop when you close the plug-in

    this is rather different from a plugin that acts on a selected object such as xara live effects

    further the output appears to be in PS [postscript] format - so even running it as a standalone program you need distiller/illustrator or some other means to convert to pdf to import into xtreme pro
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Feature Request: another new curve drawing tool


    Same way the deeppaint PS plugin works.
    In other words you can only work with the object you selected but cannot see the other objects used inside Xtreme,right?


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Feature Request: another new curve drawing tool


    I haven't used deep paint

    As far as the ananya curves plug in goes - yes you can use it to edit curves that you previously created within ananya itself in photoshop

    you can also use it to edit curves produced by photoshop pen tool, but I don't think you can change curve type in the same way, not worked for me so far

    can't get it to work as plugin in xtreme though - saving from stand alone and using distiller to convert to PDF and importing into xtreme pro, it came in as vector line ok
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  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Feature Request: another new curve drawing tool

    Hi Steve,

    As plugin it doesn't showup in any photo-editor that supports PS-plugins,
    at least mine.
    If using as standalone you can print as pdf and then import/open in Xtreme.
    Only as separate shapes though

    As plugin it's useless IMHO.


    (Used deeppaint as raster editor before the option to choose your own editor,
    you can edit shapes made in X4 and bring it back(withTransparency),very usefull for ps plugins that need a selection or if you want only a part being touched by a plugin)
    Last edited by haakoo; 19 August 2008 at 08:13 AM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Feature Request: another new curve drawing tool

    thanks - not tried the 'print to pdf' option

    photoshop plugins after about version 7 tend not to work in xtreme in my experience, so not a surprise there really
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  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: Feature Request: another new curve drawing tool

    Missed my point! What beginner is going to pay $150 for a programme when all they have to do is to read the help files in AI or PS and spend a few weeks learning how to finger hop using shift, Ctrl and Alt keys. Can you imagine a experienced user coming out of a programme to go back in as this plugin uses the CS3's expanded ability to copy and paste "smart objects". It also looks as if you still have to use Shift on the line to move the curve and it does not give much improvement to what we have. The control in "Spiro" is much more fluid and natural and I did watch the majority of the movie but got bored. I am willing to be convinced that this would be a big advantage to our programme but it is not doing it for me at the moment.
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