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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
    Did you actually download the trials as suggested?
    Did you even try to have a shot at it yourself? We're here to help when you need guidance with Xara3D or Xara Xtreme.
    Once you start to learn how to use those applications, the doors open wider than your wallet
    Blooming heck Sledger - wind your neck in! As I stated earlier, I am a complete novice, I am simply looking to make 1 logo 3D and spin and would probably never use the programme again.

    As I mentioned again in an earlier post, I stumbled across this site after a google search for help.

    I guess I shall ask one more question before bowing out and cancelling my subscription:

    Does anyone know of a company or individual that can create my logo as a 3D image and make it spin so that I can use it on our website in return for payment (bearing in mind that we are a charity and don't have exhaustive funds, but do have a little money for such a venture)?

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can answer this question and to all who have posted help and advice previously.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Greenfield, WI USA

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    Before you give up, I once made a very simple tutorial for this and it might help simplify things for you. It's post #7 in this thread:

  3. #23

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    Quote Originally Posted by Adey G View Post
    As I stated earlier, I am a complete novice, I am simply looking to make 1 logo 3D and spin and would probably never use the programme again.
    TG specialises in complete novices.
    But you might have mentioned in your first post that you don't have Xara3D installed and probably never will.
    Thanks for wasting everyones time who tried to help.

    Good luck.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky


    It will probably cost more for you to pay someone to do it, than it will to buy the programme and do it yourself - it's a really inexpensive programme.

    And if you do it yourself you will have learnt something too. As a bonus you will have some new software that you can play with.

    However, as Sledger asked "Did you actually download the trials as suggested?" Your earlier answer suggests that you didn't. It's hard for us to help you if you don't/won't help yourself.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    My time was not wasted.

    These forums are here to talk about and help with software issues.

    If the issue should happen to be 'should I try this myself or not' I don't see that it makes the slightest scrap of difference.....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    Thanks for your 'grown up' response Steve - appreciate that.

    Didn't intend to waste anyones time was hoping for, and got, some advice. If I get the time to download and play/learn (as so many others seem to have) then I will have a go. With work and family life I don't get a lot of opportunity to sit on the computer for long periods of time, so it will be a steady progress.

    As a closing note I feel that some people on here need to take a few 'friendly lessons' (not you Steve) and maybe move away from their computers once in a while, get some fresh air and realise there is a world out there.

    Thanks to those who have given advice - I will be sure to come back and use it when i've downloaded these programs.


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarkey

    Ok, i've downloaded Xtreme and Xara 3d - I have opened up my jpeg into Xtreme - am I going the right way so far?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    what you need to do now is trace round the outer boundary of the shapes that you need to spin
    Bob [drifter]'s quick tutorial here linked at post #22 above shows this done for a heart shaped object - but you will need to get familiar with how the shape editor tool works

    in xara xtreme help menu there are movies that help with the basics
    suggest you watch the three for absolute beginners and the under lines and shapes watch drawing lines with the shape editor tool

    I would think you only need to trace round the perimeter of the shield and then the ribbon - which will give you two separate shapes - these are what you need for xara 3D

    let us know how you get on
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  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    Thanks Steve

    The movies don't seem to want to work, so will attempt to follow drifters tutorial.

    I'll keep you posted on my progress.


  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: New to all this 3D malarky

    you may need to download them - if you click help updates - it should check for this [amongst other things]

    there is also Egg's video here:
    Nothing lasts forever...




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