Hello! My first Post!

I am a student of graphics. My Dip of Design is based around Adobe Indesign. However, as someone who is serious about a design career, I have bought other programs like Illustrator. This week I tried the Xara Xtreme Pro 4 Trial. It blew me away! On my duo core PC it IS so much quicker than illustrator at the 3D effects. It's also much more intuitive.

After about 1 hr of use and looking at the movies [which, like this forum, are nicely linked to help in the menu unlike Adobe's totally unfriendly set-up] , I created a 3D perfume bottle really easily. I put in a glassy effect with the transparency, and made the bottle into a complex 3D shape. Then I added 3D text to the bottle with a shadow cast by the letters.

Now, this is all fantastic. It surpasses my craziest imagination that I could make something so good and complex after using Xara Xtreme 4 pro for 1 hr.

To strive for something even better I ask this: on my perfume bottle the label's letters look a bit flat rather than following the curve of the bottle. I mean, in a real bottle the letters to the most left and right would look a little fainter, and the ones in the middle subtly sharper, unless you introduced a new lighting effect.

So, how do I curve my letters subtly to match the curve of the bottle that they're on?