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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: the debian xaralx-svg plugin

    hehe... What on Earth, would even make you think I was 18 years old.... (I wish) and then, if I'm 8 years older than you, what made you think you were one of the oldest people on these forums?
    In any case... no, I know that not "all" Linux users are like this. What I was referring to, was the controversy which erupted during the project, which I'm sure Charles is extremely weary reading about...

    Xara's engine was not part of the deal. Why would it be? It's the heart and soul which makes Xara... Xara... it is also Xara's money-maker... and everyone would love to get their hands on it, and put Xara out of business....
    Everything else was on the table, and finances were routed into the project...

    When the Linux people found out they were not getting the CDraw engine... is when everything began to come apart... Finally, it was decided that Cairo would work the best, and development was under way again...
    But then the CDraw issue arose again... this time with some real extremists jumping on the band wagon, getting everyone all worked up.
    And, when they realized that Xara was not going to give in and hand over the crowned jewels..... they quit?? Many also went on to accuse Charles of being unreasonable, unfair, etc.... (ya, the guy who literally handed over his entire life... without the guts, basically) as well as pumped a vast amount of money into the project
    He basically "gave" Linux his $80.00 software for free.... and was bad-mouthed for it? I don't know how mature that is? And the project, the Linux end users, and even Xara... have suffered for it.
    And, it continues because there are many out there who will bad mouth Xara LX at any moment they can based on that very topic

    This problem with Xara LX not having useful .svg support, is not a "Xara" issue. It's an issue of developers not wanting anything to do with it, and redesigning the .svg filters to work with Xara LX.... all because Xara would not just hand over their beef, along with the bread and butter.
    The .svg filters are from W3C... the same as used in inkscape.... but they have not been worked to play nice with Xara LX yet.... We don't even know if they can? There is also more needed than just these two simple filters to produce what we want. Those two.. are just the base.

    Blender uses the import and other .svg filters from W3C too... But those filters were modyfied to work within these programs. Hence, why we have "normal .svg" and "inkscape .svg"
    That "import.svg filter" does it's job fine.... "export" does not... because we don't have any of the filters which perform their jobs in between the import and export

    And... I fully agree.... Maya was not the best choice as an example

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: the debian xaralx-svg plugin

    I just wanted to add... I love Linux, and the Linux community. I just do not, and will not back up the type of extremism bought about by activists and their one sided view of what Linux "is" or "should be"
    Linus Torvalds doesn't even get as upset as these types do over any of these very such matters.... It is nothing more than radicals who place a perverted twist on anything they get involved with. And their propaganda causes much controversy where there really isn't a cause for it.
    Linux, bares it's own little version of a civil war this way... and it's really quite sad.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: the debian xaralx-svg plugin

    Sorry for this triple post mods (Bill)

    I just also want to make all aware... the export filter?? It actually works just as it is supposed to... as I said, we are just missing all the pieces (filters) between import and export....
    I have actually just sent off an email to Carl Worth to ask if he could speak with me about what other tools would be good to start with.
    I know he is a very busy man, and I may never hear from him, but this is the best place I can think of to begin

    Once we have a solid list, of all the filters and libraires needed... then we need someone to beat the crap out of them to get them to work with Xara LX

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: the debian xaralx-svg plugin

    its a good point Paul - its a shame its the way it is
    Nothing lasts forever...



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