one user had asked how to convert to SVG from XaraLX output...
but yesterday, I myself was posting about a cool new trick for
producing PDF from the same, so I checked, and there is indeed
a way to produce -either- PDF /or/ SVG from the application
described in my post yesterday.

This again was with "teenpup-2008" versions of XaraLX and Scribus...
and, while Id suspect this functionality was now available in all
new releases of these applications, the teenpup versions are the
first Id seen of it.

Again, from teenpup-2008 - a xaralx print output in postscript format
can then be plunked directly into a scribus document... but the surprise
here is, adding to yesterdays remarks, that we can now successfully
output an SVG or a PDF from this.

Why is this important ? Because... unless we are using windows
version of xara, we dont otherwise have access to the many output
options... and the *.xar format files just arent accepted by a lot
(any?) other applications that I know of... so... produce a *.xar file
and work with this only in xaralx, has been the rule, but for this nice
postscript output option (around for a long time). To repeat this,
and then I'll stop... I promise... although it is an added step, we can
take our xaralx postscript and get PDF /or/ SVG from it, using Scribus.
To me, this is breakthrough stuff !

lecture over