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Thread: Dodge? Burn?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Dodge? Burn?

    Hi ti all!

    May be it's really stupid, but I'm searching in Painter 8 for some tools they are called in Photoshop:dodge and burn, but can't find anything, so is there an equivalent for this tools in Painter?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Dodge? Burn?

    Have a look at the brush group called 'Photo', which have a dodge and a burn brush. They're not as good as dodge/burn in photoshop (tends to really over saturate/pixelate the colours if you aren't subtle/delicate about it) , but it's the best Painter 8's got. I think. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Dodge? Burn?

    true dodge and burn are photographic procedures not painterly ones, they darken/lighten [whichever way round they are - I forget] according to exposure during film processing - photoshop's tools mimic this.

    the brush tools in painter as far as I am aware just take the name but work a bit differently because they are for painting, not photo-correction

    so I think Fes is right - but there may be other ways of doing it
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dodge? Burn?

    Dodging lightens / Burning darkens and saturates

    SteveJ is correct about the photographic origins & usage of those terms, Bill Taylor (Soquili) helped me understand them better in an older thread.
    However it can be reasonably argued that though the process is not really a 'painterly' one, the digital form of dodge'n'burn is applicable to any lit-pixels.




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