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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Africa

    Default Re: PSP Material Palette Causes Crash

    Hi Sledger, we have had continuous power for three days now. I was wondering if the power outages had something to do with it as there have been many PCs that have been toasted.

    BUT............. I have just fixed the problem. I was determined and it was only by trial and error. I got the programme from Corel that uninstalls PSP and cleans up the registry and obsolete files etc. Ran it , re-installed and no luck.

    THEN...... I did the same procedure, but this time I renamed MY PSP FILES (in My Documents) and let PSP create a new MY PSP FILES folder for my user data.

    GUESS WHAT.....the problem just vanished, what a difference! I then was wondering what file was causing the problem, the easiest thing to do was just delete the folder that was created and re-instate my old one to see if everything was working and it was. Well I hope that this information can help someone out there as I was pulling my hair out and literally sat for about 6 hours searching Google about referenced memory errors and faulty jascrender.dlls as the error was reporting.

    Thank you guys for your help, I am so pleased that it is sorted out.



  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: PSP Material Palette Causes Crash

    there you go - you just reset your workspace -

    Glad you got it sorted Barry - hope your power stays on too
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Africa

    Default Re: PSP Material Palette Causes Crash

    I suppose it just needed one re-set and that fixed it. I am using my saved workspace and it is still working. It was just some little glitch that confused the computer. Maybe they are not as clever as we think or expect <giggle> Tks Steve! (and other Steve!) :-)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    South Africa

    Default Re: PSP Material Palette Causes Crash

    oh yes the power thing - - - well it is a huge fiasco, Eskom blames the Government and they blame Eskom. There is a power company in Newcastle (here in SA obviously) :-) that has enough power to sell to Eskom something like 18mw (too confusing for me) that is enough to sustain the country when Eskom does not have enough. Well Eskom refuses to buy it saying that they would rather pay penalties (whatever they are and who is charging them I do not know).

    Another thing is that the CEO of Eskom said that they had stopped supplying all out neighbouring countries with electricity and they had not while we were sitting in the dark.

    Then Eskom said that there was another problem that all the coal is wet from the rains and that it will not burn.

    Sadly I missed the local TV show called Carte Blanche that goes into deep investigation and flew over the coal storage units of Eskom which were EMPTY when they said that there was enough coal. The also proved on live television that WET coal burns BETTER than dry coal.

    Well it is really ridiculous. It is a joke. People (tourists) have been stranded on top of Table Mountain in Cape Town as well as in the cable car and had to abseil 4m out of the car. We are supposed to be hosting the 2010 soccer world cup in this country. I doubt we are going to be able to pull it off. People and businesses have lost thousands in damages, food going off, shops closing, appliances getting toasted, the list goes on. We were having up to four cuts a day for 2.5 hours at a time every two hours!!! THEN A LOT OF THE TIME THEY DID NOT STICK TO THEIR SCHEDULE!!! It was really frustrating.

    The country and parastatles are run by fools. I have not got my solar powered backup system in place yet, I only have the inverter and the solar panel. The batteries which are deep cycle lead acid batteries cost over $142 USD each and the whole system is going to cost me close onto $1000 USD to get 4 hours up time from 4 batteries which will be charged by the sun.

    The large local shopping giant Pick And Pay spent R400 000.00 on a generator and it costs them R200.00 an hour for diesel. When I read the article about a week ago they had been running it for 22 hours at R200.00 an hour for fuel.

    The WHOLE WORLD must learn from this. The energy sources ARE going to run out. More people should go solar. It is expensive though but people should be subsidised it will be better for all in the long run. Apparently in the new future there are going to be wars fought over water and not oil. Exciting times ahead and if you have ever read up on 2012. Scary stuff if it is true. I do not believe it, but then on the other hand I do not dis-believe it either. I am just waiting to see what happens and I might laugh or I might cry. <giggle>

    For now, I am happy to be implementing my solar powered back-up system in stages, I also now have a gas cooker and I am helping take the load off the planet that we ALL live on. We have to leave light footprints behind. Just got to get energy saver globes, they are just very expensive and you battle to get hold of the WARM coloured ones. There is no way I can have those BRIGHT GLARY ones that literally BLIND you! Eskom should give them away for FREE - - - well they CANNOT SUPPLY US WITH POWER BUT ARE INCREASING OUR TARIFFS BY 14% ha ha ha ha ha ha What a joke!!!



  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: PSP Material Palette Causes Crash

    nuclear power - yes I hear shouts from afar - but the only other option is to stop using it.

    its like landfill or incinerate refuse - no, just dont produce it in the first place.

    water ah there's a different thing - there will be grief there sure enough sooner or later.....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #16

    Default Re: PSP Material Palette Causes Crash

    Quote Originally Posted by barrym67 View Post
    Maybe they are not as clever as we think
    That's Hollywoods fault. Computers are not smart at all. It requires the right person infront of it to be of any use at all.

    Everytime you switch them on they need to be reminded of what hardware they have and how to access it (BIOS).
    EVERY TIME! You'd think after a few days it would remember and skip this step altogether..

    If it can't find a keyboard attached it stops and pops up a message to press Del for BIOS or F1 to continue! Is it mad? Or doesn't it know what the keyboard actually is??

    They need to test a few things before loading Windows (POST) completely forgetting that it was tested a couple moments ago because a minor change forced yet another reboot. What, it can't remember that either and skip it?

    My favourite was when installing a new 56k PCI modem, if Windows could not find the driver it asked if you would like to connect to the internet to find one!!!
    Which is just as stupid as:
    "Windows has found an unknown device and is installing a driver for it."
    Or the other gem:
    "Cannot delete file, not enough free space, please delete one or more files and try again."
    If it was clever and 'smart' it would tell you to empty the recyle bin and try again (because deleted files still take up space)!

    I know a few simpletons who are quicker thinking and have more intuition than any PC yet built.

    It's a tool built by (many different) humans for humans. There are some astondingly smart humans involved - but there seem to be many more who are not.
    Never be intimidated by a PC.




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