Hi all,

I guess you've all noticed the changes here at i/us!!! Well, have no fear, I'm still here, moderating away. I haven't seen Bill around, lately, but I will be contacting him to make sure that he's going to be around, as well, helping out. Hopefully you guys and girls out there will feel just as comfortable posting at the i/us Flash forum as before! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]</P>

Take care of yourselves, and I hope to see a lot of posting, soon!!!</P>

Deep (just a guy)

<pre><font face="courier" size="1">,-----------------------------.

| Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math |

| Graphic/Multimedia Designer |

| ICQ#: 39102360 |

| Medius Communications, Inc. |

| http://www.medius.com |

http://www.hoaxsquad.com - keep informed about hoaxes!!!