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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Rotating Face in Flash

    Hi, Ill quickly introduce myself as Im new, my name is Alex im 23, adn looking for your help on Flash please.

    Im trying to make a rotating face in flash, well its actually an egg and I need to give the effect that all the features are turning away from the camera and Ive searched for tutorials all over to no avail.

    I found one tutorial ages ago that showed how to do this exact thing and now i need it i cant find it, I need to do this preferably without using actionscript but if i have to i don't mind.

    Thanks in advance for your help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Rotating Face in Flash

    Welcome Gtiracer,

    Strangly enough Albacore mentions this 2.5D effect in a post just below yours.


    That should give you some excellent ideas.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: Rotating Face in Flash

    Hi, thanks for your quick reply, but I think my skills are a bit too basic to understand that, plus at Uni, my PC wont allow me to download flash player so i cant view anything in flash apart from something I make in Flash (if that makes sense?)

    Basically I dont understand how to rotate the facial features around until they dissapear.

    I've tried pasting in place a few frames on moving it and erasing the overhanging bit but it wont let me rub any parts of it out

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: Rotating Face in Flash

    Do you have Onion Skin turned on?
    This can help you if you're drawing changes on each frame...

    (click image to enlarge)

    Too bad you can't submit an .avi file instead, then you could
    model / skin the egg in 3dsMax, and rotate / render the model,
    exporting it as an .avi movie.
    Last edited by Jim L.; 12 April 2008 at 12:36 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Los Angeles, California

    Default Re: Rotating Face in Flash

    Quote Originally Posted by Gtiracer View Post
    I found one tutorial ages ago that showed how to do this exact thing and now i need it i cant find it...
    I too remember someone posting a tutorial on this subject. I would check out the Lost Marble site or the Toon Boom site. Then again it could have been the Cartoon Smart site...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Rotating Face in Flash

    For a rotating face on an egg, there are a couple of techniques that may work 'well enough'.

    First of all, have the egg illustration in the background and the face illustration in a foreground layer.

    Create a mask shape that masks everything around the egg except the egg.

    Then make an image (transparent background) for what should be on the face of the egg.

    Animate the image moving past the face of the egg.

    Now use use the mask cut-out as a mask layer for the face animation.

    You now have a crude rotating face on the egg (make the animation repeat itself).

    It's not quite right because the face image is flat and won't curl around the egg. You can improve things by adding the following step:

    Take the image of the egg and copy it to a foreground layer. Add a transparency to the image so that the front of the egg is completely transparent, but the sides of the egg are only slightly transparent.

    This will make the front face image appear to fade as it goes around the back of the egg, promoting the illusion that it's the egg that is rotating not the face passing across the front.

    Depending on how prominent the egg is and how fast you move('rotate') the face image, it may work well enough for you.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Los Angeles, California

    Default Re: Rotating Face in Flash

    Then again if you want to start producing 3D flash animations you may want to look into http://www.swift3d.com/.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Los Angeles, California

    Default Re: Rotating Face in Flash

    I see that one of tutorials on the Cartoon Smart site shows how to turn a face. I don't know if it shows how to do a Exorcist move and rotate the head though.




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