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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: WS4 structure/ before design ??

    Thanks for your help - I will keep trying and saving the files in WS4 to the different pages and see if that is the solution.

    Maybe it is just a whcky thing on my computer -

    I am going to try a few new templates - and mark down my process and once i get them complete i will re-post for everyone to see-

    so if I catch the problem - then I and all can know what way not to do it.

    Thanks again for your help


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Re: WS4 structure/ before design ??

    I figured out most of these problems I posted and figured i would post my findings.

    1) I have found it much easier to use the pieces of a webstyle theme and insert each of the pieces into my DW design- This way i can control things like width and heighth - i was never able to figure out how xara created/managed their divs and it was causing me major headaches

    2) Still have not been able to get the DWT template file to work correctly with xara menus - so I do it the hard way and duplicate my index for any new page - I have to make darn sure the structure is how I want it before doing this or if I want to chaneg something on the front page - i have to then change all the pages

    3) The menus disapearing after a upload to my host - Well for some weird weird reason - when I am using a xara template and then do the upload - the nav bars would disapear - after reading my code a billion times- i found that the process actually places one exta /div in my code right after the horiz nav barr js - so i remove that /div and my menus reappear - however see # 1 - this is what i now do, and this is no longer an issue

    I hope that those that read this can get some insight into my findings, and if others would like to correct me or throw in your two cents then that would be great - especially on the DWT problem - boy that is a drag not being able to get working


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: WS4 structure/ before design ??

    See post #19 in this thread
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.




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