Hello all... my first post as a new Xara Xtreme Pro user.

I have been in computer graphics since the dawn of time itself but as with all new apps, there's always a new methodology to learn. I am currently fumbling my way through videos, tutorials, etc. and am starting to come to grips with the XXP methods. But I have a question about a particular method.

In my line of work (I produce 3D animated videos in SD/HD), various video hardware is used and in the current state of such hardware, dithering is required on certain graphics in order to avoid banding. So for example, if you were creating a nice gradient background, it would look smooth and wonderful on your computer screen and would have terrible banding when displayed on an 8-bit video editing hardware. The solution is to create the color gradient with a very slight noise applied to it. The viewer will never know th is noise is there but this noise will prevent the ugly banding that can happen.

My question is, I have found how to apply the fractal noise to a shape such as a rectangle and I can adjust the two colors that make up the noise as well as the noise size, etc. What I haven't figured out is how to have this same noise applied over the surface of a rectangle that has a color gradient as it's fill. Is this possible to do? Or do I have to have 2 objects on top of one another just to get the noise applied to a color gradient?
