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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Making a glassy transparent surface

    I'm wondering if it's possible to make a glass looking kind of transparent picture with Xara Xtreme. I want this for my website as a background for most body text I have on it. First, I have a backdrop, then I want this glass transparency on top of it and finally I want my text on top of the "glass". Is this possible? Maybe it's even possible to get a shimmering effect?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Default Re: Making a glassy transparent surface

    Hi Giannis... I would think there are a couple of ways to go about gaining the "glass" look you are looking for, using Xara...

    One method would be to create a few rectangle objects, creating gradient transparencies with a few colors, and when satisfied, maybe blend together, place over the backdrop, add your text on top, and whoila...

    or... just create a rectangle, give it some light blue green transparency, and then vector draw in some highlights... add the rest etc...

    maybe even go for some reflection in all of this... there are some recent threads with some good info on such...

    happy glass creating

    Hmm, this would be a great thing to post as a challenge in the challenge thread... then the ides would pour in

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Making a glassy transparent surface

    Thanks for the tips!

    I don't seem to be able in making an entire rectangle transparent - only a part of it. Could you tell me what the trick is...?

    Would this kind of glassy effect be easier to do in for example The GIMP or Photoshop?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Making a glassy transparent surface

    Here's a glass tutorial from May 2001 that covers glass and glass rollover buttons. At any rate it's pretty good plate glass.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Default Re: Making a glassy transparent surface

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis View Post
    Thanks for the tips!

    I don't seem to be able in making an entire rectangle transparent - only a part of it. Could you tell me what the trick is...?

    Would this kind of glassy effect be easier to do in for example The GIMP or Photoshop?
    Well, that would simply be a outline rectangle...

    The trick is to leave an area(s) with some slight color to act as glass highlight, and then position variations on top of ech other to perfect the effect and depth...

    The app to use might make a slight difference, as perhaps some fx are already pre tasked together, but to avoid the total cooky cutter look one still might have to go in and redefine the variables to one's own preference... so, roughly the same number of clicks to the end anyways, just done through different interfaces is all... again, user pref...

    However, all of this aside, whatever the tools used, it still get's down to you and the object in fornt of you that you are creating...

    I have found that when attempting to do something quick, most times I am not satisfied with the result... if we allow the fifteen minutes or so that it takes to get immersed into the task at hand, and then it really is just you and the canvas so to speak... bliss... and good things usually come of such moments...

    Happy creating

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Making a glassy transparent surface

    Thanks people for replying... I think I have enough to do now for a while.



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