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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Box Elder, SD, USA

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    Thanks Steve for the inside info...

    Paul... I don't even put my good shots on my own site... Most of my good ones have never even been printed yet. I want to value to be as high as I can get it. A cambells soup can label can be considered art, but not there are not many fools out there that will pay for the label itself... Too much market saturation ruins the value.

    Most folks see a pretty pic and just download it and print it. I wonder how many copies of SaraX there are printed out?

    I might just submit a pic or two... but nothing large enough to print...
    John Rayner
    For my Photography see:

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    I haven't been to the stock expert site. I have bought photographs from istockphoto, but only for use on websites, so they're only low resolution.

    I can understand why you would want to protect your work.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    Absolutely... I completely understand John's perspective. But even just throwin a few shots on (will become addictive once a couple bucks starts poppin in here n there) Hey, these days... if ya can make $10.00 extra bucks a week?? Doing somethin ya love?? Im all for that!!!!
    Not to mention the advertising, and directing a broader range toward your "original stuff"

    (No John, I didn't say "directing broads to your stuff"....)

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    These sites are a dime a dozen...

    The only one that makes any real money is the person that runs the site = a penny here, and a penny there, adds up to real money.

    1 credit = $1 = 1 download. (or $3 for one download = equally pathetic.) You have to sell your image 50 times (on the worst scenario) to see a single penny. Sell it 46 times and you don't see a single cent (unless of course you buy your own image yourself 4 times... ) Collect your money at $50 but sell only another 40 (those 40 sales generates nothing for you).

    Browse around the site and find similar works to yours and see how many downloads they have, to see what kind of return you might expect (on the best possible scenario). Have a look yourself...

    As mentioned before - if you make nothing now, why not make nothing at a site like this + plus have your image perhaps generate a few downloads (and a few bucks) for the owner of the site? Remember - you have to sell $50 worth to get any rewards.

    The business model here is volume for the people that run the site - nothing more. Check back in a year everyone that signed up, and give us a tally... Also, take "testimonials" with a huge "nip" of salt... Buy any ebook on web promotion to see how to use it...

    Had this thread been started by a new member - it would have been deleted together with the other 20 of these "offers" already.

    This thread also has nothing to with Xara products - I'm moving the thread.

    In general, Talkgraphics is for member to discuss what they see fit - it's not free ad space for web developers to promote their services and products = Steve, any futher posts here by you will be deleted - or the whole thread will go.

    Again, this forum is for graphics interested members - not for free ad space for web developers.

    Everyone else - feel free to discuss!

    Last edited by RTK; 29 September 2007 at 12:05 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?


    As per the site:

    The first is on a pay per download basis. We think you should be treated fairly so that is why we pay out 50% after each download

    Sorry, you only get a half on the dollar... (Silly me) You have to sell your image 100 times to collect on the low resolution scale. The basic concept of "collecting/math" is the same though - just make it $0.5... Instead of the full dollar, as per the previous post.

    So, if you "only" sell 95 copies... You have to spend $10 (to buy it 5 times yourself) of your own money to collect your $50 - sorry - $40...


    Last edited by RTK; 29 September 2007 at 12:55 AM. Reason: Edit again - confusing site...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?


    Sorry if my post is construed as advertising. I only added to points already raised.

    If you would like to delete my posts, please do. I'm not here to break rules or discuss something people haven't already expressed interest in.

    I'm sorry Gary if you got in trouble. Chris D. suggested I post here to introduce myself and answer questions.

    This whole thing was started because people in our forums started to discuss how great Xara was, and if people started using it more for their microstock work, it might be a good way to proliferate the application's usage.

    Anyway, good luck to everyone in their creative endeavors!


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    Instead of blindly signing up with this one simply because the link is here. Do a search on Google for "microstock" "micro stock" "microstock site" and "micro stock site" "microstock photography" etc. Research it.

    There are many of them, and many pay out better than the one mentioned - some even allow you to price your own work !

    Even the big two (Getty and Corbis) have their own micro stock sites:

    http://www.snapvillage.com (Corbis)

    http://www.istockphoto.com (Getty)

    As we often see here at TG (not saying that it's necessarily the case with this particular site), if you are in a busy and thriving business, you rarely have time to post or spam on graphics forums, blogs etc. You are actually working on improving your product.

    However, for the ones looking in to microsites like this in general: if links are spammed on forums - be sceptical. You don't want to end up wasting your time with a kid sitting in his mom's basement after school. (Again, not necessarily the case with this particular site).


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    Chris Dickman was not able to log onto TG and asked me to post these comment for him.

    But before I do, the reason I posted this in the Xara Gallery Forum was for the benefit of the Xara users. Whether or not this is a good way to earn income from your images is for the reader to determine.

    Chris Dickman writes:

    Risto, I was quite taken aback by the tone of your posts in this thread.
    It's clear you're not a fan of the microstock model, but the fact remains
    that it's one of the major models now in place for selling creative content.
    I asked Gary if he thought it worthwhile bringing this possibility to the
    attention of Xara users and he accordingly began this thread. I suggested to
    Steve that he make himself available to respond to any questions, which he
    kindly did. It's not that common for representatives of major stock content
    firms to drop by to offer to respond to questions--by shutting him down, you
    deprived forum members the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities
    of microstock for their work, which is a shame.

    While you might be sceptical of the earning possibilities of microstock in
    general, and Stockxpert.com in particular, I'm told that some contributors
    to the site generate sales in the thousands each month, with sales in the
    hundreds being more typical. It should be kept in mind that for most
    contributors, this represents an additional revenue stream. Also worth
    keeping in mind is that contributors retain all rights to their images and
    site visitors can buy exclusive rights. An illustration was recently
    purchased this way for thousands of dollars, after being purchased for
    modest amounts over 200 times. Finally, illustrators who post quality,
    saleable work generate fresh offers for new work from their exposure on the
    site--being visible is critical.

    In any case, from my perspective, all venues for getting Xara-created work
    in the hands of buyers is worth exploring, an objective I had not
    anticipated you would disagree with. I'm on your side!


    Chris Dickman

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    But before I do, the reason I posted this in the Xara Gallery Forum was for the benefit of the Xara users. Whether or not this is a good way to earn income from your images is for the reader to determine.
    I agree, hence my post also. The previous one in particular.


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: Sockxpert.com - Stock Images. Yours?

    So, Does this mean "I" didn't do anything wrong either? And, if I "have" been bothersome to any moderators, as stated,I apologize. I just saw this as maybe a good place to get work more exposure..
    Last edited by RTK; 01 October 2007 at 11:48 PM. Reason: OT removed




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