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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA


    I got a new hard drive lately and have not been able to post despite that Talk Graphics. Things mess up when I try to attach a file. But I can see that whatever the trouble was, it's solved, it may have been trouble with my DSL provider. Any one else had trouble posting?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	da_vinci_old_woman.jpg 
Views:	330 
Size:	23.5 KB 
ID:	619  
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  2. #2


    Hi Sally,
    Looks like the Photo Impact folks went North for the summer http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif ... Is that YOU in the DaVinci?

  3. #3


    Yup, things have been pretty slow here. Most are busy exploring new interests.
    Ed, you could get yourself scalped for that... http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA


    Thank you, Grafixman,
    Perhaps OklaEd didn't notice but I did not post after this comment for about a year. Whether I am young or old isn't the point, it is that I didn't hide that I am a female and that makes me open to pot shots.

    The whole point of the forum was to help each other, to stir and excite creativity, as being artists is part of what we each consider to be our better selves.

    The essence and beauty of those who are both male and female isn't diminished because the face wrinkles, they are still dear to those they love, and if you lose one such as these, a mother, father, grandmother, you grieve a long time if they were a great person.

    I have lost my mother and father, I found a challenge on this forum to do something special for an older lady, and wasn't able to post it. When I could I finally did. I cannot do those sweet things any longer for my mom or dad or grandmother. So when I have an occasion to pass on a kindness to an older person I do.

    If that makes me the object of tackless pot shots, well I have grown up. And I have played
    "Wendy" and "Peter Pan" needs to get a life and be about making people feel whole not just pampering his own petty interests.

    It is been and still is that those who lack skill and cannot do better, mock those who do.
    The one they hurt most and cheat most is themselves, they never develop into a human being who is able to rise above the slime, instead they embrace it. You do manage to get rather slime coated that way.

    But who am I to judge. With thirty years as a working artist, what do I know?
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  5. #5


    Oh, but those ARE old posts, Sally. If you look at the dates, Ed replied just 5 days after you posted and I answered a day later, all on June, 2004. I'm sure he wasn't being mean. It's just the way things sometimes appear in posts, you can't see the facial expression of the person as he's typing his reply, so quick comments sometimes come out wrong. It's my comment I'm more worried about. Looking closer at the pic, I just realized that it was a photo-manipulated image of da Vinci. I thought it was an native American chief... so the comment about being scalped... http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/frown.gif. My mistake...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA


    When people don't really know each other, they need to be more polite.

    I didn't take offence at you.

    At the time what was going on in the PI forum was also like a little click. You could post and only those in the click would be answered. Rather hard to get to know anyone that way.

    But I can understand that, you meet people who are more interesting and have a more varied experience, something they could profit by and learn something from.

    I myself, am more prone to reply to your posting, because you have spent you years practicing, you love to create, and you have a positive outlook on life I find refreshing. You are looking for inspiration but at the same time selflessly give to others out of the sheer joy of getting to create.

    On the internet you don't meet face to face, and except--if you post a picture, that is one thing, but whether you are male or female, black, white, oriental, have a college degree or not, whether you have received every adulation or have been beaten up by life, you can talk to anyone. I do not like being put into a category and looked down upon anymore than anyone else. When I entered the art field from college it was quite common if you got ahead as a woman artist, it was because you would get horizontal and I never did that. I just wanted my work to speak for itself. So if I take offense at what I find to be sexist statements, it has taken 30 years of getting to be filled to the brim with what I would never have said to anyone else, and I see no reason I should have to keep taking it, so someone else can go away and have a nice day, when they have ruined mine. If you tease and joke with someone you don't know if they are able to take it and before doing so, you have to know someone to be able to brush that off. There is nothing worse to know you have said the wrong thing and then not to have the ability to say it was insensitive and unkind, instead, turned around,
    "What's the matter, you can't take a joke." Artist see more on more than one level. What I often see makes me uncomfortable, so I delve into my art to create a better reality I do not need to shrink from.

    There is beauty of the eye, of the mind, and of the soul. The last two are much more lasting. And if you have only the first, then you are bankrupt.

    The image below was my first attempt at DeepPaint. It has a lot of interesting textures you can draw in. The same sorts of things could be done by making more provacative stamps. PI is such a wonderful and flexible program.

    I love Stephanie's tutorials and though she's moved on, the filters in PI for color enhancement and correction, I even prefer to Photoshop. An image in PI always seems more crisp.

    The image I had originally done was composted with preliminary drawings Da Vinci did in preparing his painting of St. Anne in Madonna of the Rocks. Interestingly it was rejected, the one which is more famous, because it made people uncomfortable. Brilliant of DaVinci, he was always thinking, experimenting but he did repaint it, fortunately the original work hang in the Louvre and the accepted piece in London. However, it is generally acknowledged now to be the better one and has more impact than the one his contemporaries were more comfortable with.

    Being uncomfortable is not a bad thing, it spurred men onto higher achievement in the Renaiissance as they could no longer accept the limited thinking of their day.

    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  7. #7


    http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif. Being an artist means being more in touch with your feelings than most people. And trying to transfer that to what you do. So yes, I suppose the part about sensitivity to careless remarks rings a bell here.
    But sometimes it's just too overwhelming so I drop into my carefree I'm cool if you're cool character. Delve too deep and I'm afraid I just might give up on the hopelessness of the human condition...
    Steph's place will always be a special one for me, too. That's where I first found a place where I could share ideas with others of the same interest. But we continue our travels, and sometimes the road diverge.
    Limited thinking, yes, it's a sad thing.
    Deep Paint. Great program and very generous thing of giving it away for free. Another smaller one is Artweaver. But the current version is still a bit crash prone.
    Nice pic. Yeah, we all hide behind a mask. Even looking at the mirror in the morning. Freedom. I could cry for it or I could go find it somewhere else. It's free, right http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970




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