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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    Quote Originally Posted by jamesmc View Post

    I guess the comments about George Bush were candy related as well?

    Just be honest remi, you dislike everything about America because of whatever bloated reasons that may be floating around in your head.

    We hear all the comments you Europeans you make about Americans in the news. How soon they forget!

    I guess we should have let France, Germany and Russia supplying illegal weapon parts to Iraq and continue to squeeze blackmarket oil in direct violation of U.N. sanctions?

    Yeah, it's okay for Europeans to do it...I see.
    No, James. I'm not willing to give you an answer on your provocativeness.

    Please read my sentences carefully. If you find something, you don't understand, read it twice and start to think about it. After that, please feel free to ask me about it.


  2. #32
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    Mar 2006

    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    Quote Originally Posted by remi View Post

    I should myself have held by the fact that we talk here about graphics and not about politics.

    Peace to all
    Is that a sideways apology or a way to wiggle out of saying you screwed up and said the wrong thing?

    If you want to apologize then do it.

    Otherwise, your sincerity will always be in question.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    James, is this the only question or are there other points you don't understand?
    (My next answer will be the last one within this thread.)


  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    (((hears cricket chirping)))

    Must be pride in the way.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    To Remi and other members,
    I do not like locking a thread. I believe in free speech but there is no point in continuing this thread. What purpose does it serve?

    The forum depends upon the good will of its members and the fun we all have in sharing ideas and in helping one another.

    This thread is no longer serving any of the above purposes, is it?

    Remi isn't required to apologize. No one is. There was never any offense meant before Remi chimed in between either me or Aunt Betsy.

    None of us can live this side of the events of 911 or what has happened since then without having some opinions about that.

    It is best if you know in advance how offensive your comment will be to think twice. This is not censorship, it is just wisdom. Some words such as "patriotism", "pride", "honor" seem to be red flags these days to Multiculturalism. And there is some wisdom in not doing things so to speak, "in your face". But when you start banning things, it moves the pendulum too far the other way and is as much as a problem as what is or may have been said heatedly. Meanwhile, if the shoe is on the other foot, if tolerance has become really intolerance, when does it even out? There are times when people post things which have religion written all over them. And then if it is in praise of the architecture, there is no problem with it. We are looking at the form of the structure. Calligraphy is beautiful in itself, even if it is the name of Allah. So we choose to be offended or not offended. There will be holidays in which we here wish one another "Happy Holidays" and some will say "Merry Christmas". Again, one has the choice, to be offended or not offended. Agnostics and atheists also enjoy the holidays as the celebrations are still fun. And weather one sings "Jingle Bells" or "Silent Night", the music is still pretty. There are also threads which go too far for what is considered good taste in illustrating women in provacative poses. And yet because it happens all the time and women are few and far between on the forum we just tolerate this because what the heck can I do about it? On the other hand, with the way many women dress these days to go out to shop in the malls, it is hard to tell whether they put their negligee on to go shop or put their underwear on over their clothes. Life is crazy. Even underneath the spiked hair, the tattoos, the plunging necklines and the pants worn by both sexes... one could advise that "crack kills". In a humorous way, of course. For many people a bit more modesty couldn't hurt. But the people who participate in a fad do not see it this way. You can't get away from the magazines even in a grocery store for shielding children from pictures once reserved for the centerfold of Playboy, right there at a child's eye level. These are just your run of the mill tabloids.

    If you put up a manger scene in your own yard, you can be made to take it down, no one will ask you to take down a haunted house.

    This is the modern world.

    Tolerance has been turned inside out.

    We have threads which people drew tanks, guns, swords.... devices which are the means of great destruction. But on the other hand, drawing them does help teach one how to draw, but the same skills are acquired by drawing cars. But we are adults and can reason, there are still war movies, showing how it was, it does not mean that such a thread encourages anyone to go use these things and blow people up.

    Anytime a thread has been closed on the forum, I think the moderators did it for what they felt was the best interest of the forum, however, it is best if people do this voluntarily. A part of me has never liked this policy. This gives us the power to do the right thing which is for all of us to find the common thread for which we are here and to get back to it: helping one another with graphics, particularily here, CorelDRAW graphics.
    Last edited by sallybode; 08 July 2007 at 08:26 PM.
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    "Oh! wad some power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as others see us!
    It wad frae mony a blunder free us
    And foolish notion....."

    EDIT - it has been drawn to my attention that I should make it clear that this bit of wisdom is for everyone [self included ]
    Last edited by handrawn; 08 July 2007 at 09:17 PM.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    Hi Sally,

    Quote Originally Posted by sallybode View Post
    I believe in free speech but there is no point in continuing this thread. What purpose does it serve?
    I agree with you. My last post was the attempt to explain James, that it wasn't meant so bad, like he believes. But obviously it has no further sense and therefore I will end this discussion.


  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    Il a été sauvé par la belle femme

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    "Oh! wad some power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as others see us!
    It wad frae mony a blunder free us
    And foolish notion....."

    (Oh, what a power, the gift He gives us
    To see ourselves as others see us!
    It would free us from many a blunder
    And foolish notion.....)

    "Il a été sauvé par la belle femme" (It was saved by the nice woman.)

    Merci, mes amis. (Thank you, my friends.)
    Last edited by sallybode; 08 July 2007 at 11:51 PM.
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Something for USA Independence Day

    Quote Originally Posted by sallybode View Post
    "Oh! wad some power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as others see us!
    It wad frae mony a blunder free us
    And foolish notion....."

    (Oh, what a power, the gift He gives us
    To see ourselves as others see us!
    It would free us from many a blunder
    And foolish notion.....)


    Merci, mes amis. (Thank you, my friends.)
    Just so long as you realise it applies to you as well

    Next time someone throws you a googly you might like to use the time-honoured political device of saying simply "your comments have been noted" and moving swiftly on. Or perhaps better still, ignoring it.

    No one owns the high moral ground here.
    The way a person reacts is a measure of both their maturity and their self-esteem.

    Peace and friendship to all.
    Last edited by handrawn; 09 July 2007 at 07:13 AM.
    Nothing lasts forever...




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