This is a major puzzler. Perhaps I'm missing something like an obvious setting, but any help, even a thump on the head to jar it into functioning, would be appreciated...

My service bureau uses the RamPage system to rip images in front of their imagesetter. It will accept nothing but a .EPS file for input, hence the imagesetting options in Xara are denied to me (I mean, I suppose they are...don't they only control outputting to a printer or .PRN file?). For CMYK work the EPS works great, if slowly (requires around 8 hours to rip a full-color CMYK image but looks great).

Problem is spot color. Nothing I do seems to produce an EPS in anything other than CMYK. I've rebuilt files multiple times trying to get every speck of process color out of there but nothing seems to work.

Am I missing a setting? CAN Xara produce a spot color EPS file? WILL Pauline be rescued from the onrushing train? Return to the theatre next week for the spine tingling outcome!

David Griffin