that looks to me like a line drawn with illustrator [or similar] where the line is automatically 'filled' as you draw it and so, presumably, it has to be in accordance with some algorithm and in line with winding rules - that is not at all what I need...

what I need is the ability to fill an unclosed shape after the line has been drawn; to discount any gaps so that the the fill does not 'leak out' [aka 'sandbagging'] - it is a wate of time having to clone the line, close the gap, fill, remove outline, place behind and then filddle to get the fill to match the edges of the gap in the original - it is not practical to do this for drawings that are full of unclosed shapes, really would take far to long - did I mention I don't do this in xara anymore? and hence saying 'need' and not 'want' because I no longer care in the case of xara, I have move on back into raster for this [so much easier]

but there are still vector artists who want it.. it would be a useful feature