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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004


    For some reason, even though the menu I created points to the correct address, two pages don't appear. When I use the standard navigation links at the bottom of the page, they locate the pages just fine and the address is identical. I'm stumped. Any ideas as to why MenuMaker isn't working as it should?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004


    For some reason, even though the menu I created points to the correct address, two pages don't appear. When I use the standard navigation links at the bottom of the page, they locate the pages just fine and the address is identical. I'm stumped. Any ideas as to why MenuMaker isn't working as it should?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Make sure the buttons from the navbar and the links on your page link to the same address. It might be a case issue where the url entered in the url field for the button contains a capital letter and the url on the server does not. Ill have a look if you can post the address where the page can be seen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I eliminated my custom menu (from Xara) and just used the one from the Themes package of FrontPage. That seems to work just fine. I sent an email to Xara about this issue. Perhaps they can figure it out. Thanks for your reply.

  5. #5


    Hi Marc

    You can often get good hints and a faster solution from the message board. In my opinion a menubar provides better navigation that the frontpage navigation menues. If you are going to use a menubar, the loadtime for your pages improves when you eliminate the frontpage navigation altogether.

    If you do the following someone can help you out.

    1. create a new page in FP in the folders view not the navigation view. This way surfers don't have a FP generated link to the page after you publish it.

    2. Put your xata menu on that page.

    3. Make sure it works on your PC

    4. Publish.

    5. Let us know the URL of this hidden page.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004


    The url of the test page is www.castaicchamber.com/test.htm. I've written a lot about the problem there so anyone can see what I've been through. If someone can figure this one out, I'd much rather use the Xara menu than FPs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    The community button from the FP menu is linked to http://www.castaicchamber.com/Community2.htm

    The community button from the MM menu is linked to http://www.castaicchamber.com/community.htm

    The calander button from the FP menu is linked http://www.castaicchamber.com/Calendar.htm

    The calander button from the MM menu is linked http://www.castaicchamber.com/calendar.htm

    change the urls associated with the buttons in the MM menu to be the same as the urls associated with the FP menus

  8. #8


    That was easy Bb2.

    marc: In regards to your comment

    "I added a button 'test page' that shows up on my computer and the community button's link is to Community2.htm, but on the web it is listed as community.htm."

    You don't have a page on your website with a file name of community.htm, if I type it in the Address bar it doesn't open I get the 404,

    In FrontPage when you look at the Folders View under NAME you should see Community2.htm, but under the TITLE you likely have a different name.
    The links connect to the NAME colomn.

    I suspect you had a problem with the first Community page you created, so you created a second one and even a third one, copied everything from the first to the second page, delete the first.

    I have a lot of speculation, but the important thing to look at is that:

    The links connect to the NAME colomn in the folders view.

    I suggest you go into folders view and rename the file names, under the names colomn to the name you want it to have, or do what Bb2 suggested.

    I liked that test page of yours. Quite stylish.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004


    I finally got it, thanks to all your suggestions. The solution was as simple as going to the site and changing the name of the two challening files: I made the first letters lowercase. Even when I put uppercase letters into Xara, the resulting menu only displays lowercase letters, so I made the pages compliant.
    Thank you for all your help. You can see the results at www.castaicchamber.com.

  10. #10


    Marc: be sure to change it in FP so you don't have problems next time you reload those pages.




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