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Give this a try on a word you've typed

Selecting individual characters
(For example to change them to a different font, color, rotation...)

The first step is to select the characters you want to change:

Close text options if you have this open.

Click show/hide cursor (the icon of a and b with a line in it) on the standard toolbar to select it. This displays a vertical cursor.

Using the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the cursor to where you want the selection to start.

Use Shift+arrow keys to select characters. (See Note.)

Any options you change then apply to the selected characters only. You can change options such as font, size, color, and bevel type.


Shift+left/right arrow selects the character to the left or right of the cursor (and moves the cursor).

CtrlL+Shift+left/right arrow selects from the cursor to the start (left arrow) or end (right arrow) of the line.

Ctrl+A selects all the text.

Ctrl+P selects all the text on the current page—this is useful in multipage animations.