Hi folks,

Thanks for your support, these forums are fantastic. I thought I would explain how I got the preloader working so others can benifit from my learning curve.

I originally made my flash button to open my swf file. This meant that the preloader would work in FireFox but NOT in IE.

Here is the script.

on (release) {

Here is what I discovered. If you make the button open the HTML file (instead of the swf file) the preloader seems to work in both browsers.

So now it looks like this:

on (release) {

You can view the working model here http://www.inspirationandjoy.com then press view presentation. (Turn off pop-up blockers).

I don't know if this is common knowledge and people said nothing because it is presupposed that I would have done this OR if people just didn't know.

Hope this helps others with the same frustrating problem.

Warmest regards