
I sense a real anti flash vibe from you Remi for some reason,

because a "real" Webdesigner must be able to understand and handle the different browsers, but also because of technical reasons (search engines, usability, accessibility, performance, ...).

A damn strange quote from you that, so does that mean "real" graphics designer must understand and use every graphics package thats on the market?, no i didn't think so, or do they use what package they need for certain projects, i'm sure you will know as your more than likely a "real" graphic designer along with being a "real" webdesigner.

Full flash sites have their place on the web as do all the others.

search engines
your right flash has issues with search engines but as Egg bramhill has pointed out in other posts there are work arounds .

Most flash sites ive looked at have a lot more usability than a lot of sites design by people you call "real" webdesigners.

That issues applys to all websites, flash has accessibility too you know,although i have fallen short of it, however this is one area i'm working on, in fact the best way to make a site with good accessibility is to get a local disability group to test it before the site goes live, who better to test than the people it affects. I wonder how many of your "real" webdesigners take it to that level, not many at a guess, why?

because they Probably think theyve got that part nailed, pretty much like the guy who thinks an ALT tag saying " click here and this button will take you to the home page" on the home button is enhancing some poor blind soul's experience of the web.

A well structured flash site loading content dynamically via xml external .swf's shouldnt effect performance,smaller more bandwidth chunks is the key(well i think so anyway) i've fallen short of that too in the past, but hay i'm working on that one as well.

You know i get really fed up of people that spout of negative rubbish about this, that and certain design programs, they all have there place and if applied right can give good results and a good experience to most users. Simple huh.

Right i've just slipped of my soapbox so i'm going to get back to some work
