Quote Originally Posted by Albacore View Post
Do you really like the user interface of Flash compared to Xtreme's? If you had stated you liked Illy's instead of Xara's I might not replied and said "well everyone has their own opinions" and left it like that but when you have to work in such a small space due to the terrible user interface set up I have to strongly disaggree. When Xtreme came out with its dockable galleries etc. the first questions in this forum was how do we make them undockable.
Well, I don't have AI; Flash has these features so it's easy to use them as an example. I think it's perfectly reasonable to illustrate a point using parts of the Flash interface - it doesn't mean make Xtreme the same as Flash. Where did you get that idea from?

Nested layers I would say is something that I would like but its not a the top of the list.
I like to use Xara to build graphic assets and assemble them according to their use. If I'm making a web design, I might use one layer for individual assets, another layer as a web page background template, another layer as an alternative template, another layer to hold a populated page using Template 'A' as the layout, another layer shows the populated page using template 'B' as a layout in the background, etc.. As I go along I'm flipping between pages and assets and there is a natural hierarchy in my design. I might also have print designs sharing the same assets for the customer. Layers are a real irritation for me.

I'd like to be able to simulate my web pages just by turning on and off the visibility of a layer folder, rather than flip the visibility of many layers.

If Xara really got their act together we could have poor mans multi-page layout using nested layers.

The aligment tool works and it works easily and it can be brought to use with the press of 3 Keys so the only difference is that the operation of the aligment tool is that you have to use drop down boxes instead of a graphic button and if that is your complaint thats sad.
Well maybe I am sad. Why am I looking for a lost dialog that loses visibility and requires me to click around drop downs and buttons, when I can have a docked panel that would always be visible (my choice) and can do the same with a single click. If that's sad, that's exactly what I am.
