Hi Risto,

you're right, there are no detailed installation instructions into the Readme-File of the "Random Posts"-Plugin.

  1. Download the plugin
  2. Upload the plugin to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
  3. Access the Plugin Panel in your WordPress Admin Panel and click on "Activate" behind the listed plugin "Random Posts" to activate the plugin.
  4. To insert the plugin in your current template, search for the right template file and insert the following PHP code. For example: If you use the standard WordPress theme, and wants to insert the random Posts into your sidebar, insert the following PHP code into the file "themes/default/sidebar.php".

if (function_exists('random_posts')) {
  // Description: 
  // The function random_posts displays a configurable list of random posts.

  // Parameters:
  // $limit - No. of posts to show.
  $limit = 4;

  // $len - Lenght of auto-generate excerpt.
  $len = 100;

  // $before_title - Text to appear before the entry title.
  $before_title = '(Text before the entry title) ';

  // $after_title - Text to appear after the entry title.
  $after_title = '(Text after the entry title) ';

  // $before_post - Text to appear before the entry excerpt.
  $before_post = '(Text before the entry excerpt.) ';

  // $after_post - Text to appear after the entry excerpt.
  $after_post = '(Text before the entry excerpt.';

  // $show_pass_post = Include/exclude password protected entries (Default: false).
  $show_pass_post = false;

  // $show_excerpt = Show/hide excerpt (Default: false).
  $show_excerpt = false;

  random_posts($limit, $len, $before_title, $after_title, $before_post, $after_post, $show_pass_post, $show_excerpt);
