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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Problem showing some letter in Acrobat PDF

    I haven't seen that problem with the work we send out. Can you post an example of the problem?
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Sassari, Italy

    Default Re: Problem showing some letter in Acrobat PDF

    Same for me I've downloaded the trial version of Acrobat 7.0 and the problem is still here, with Foxit also there is the same type of antialiasing (maybe it uses the acrobat activex).
    I think we have to move interest on acrobat forums.

    If I export the pdf in CorelDrawX3 and use Acrobat 7.0 to view it the problem is still here.
    If I use Distiller from CDX3 there is no problem because Distiller embed the fonts and not convert to curves (I think).
    Last edited by xenio; 31 August 2006 at 10:34 AM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Lancaster, CA, USA

    Default Re: Problem showing some letter in Acrobat PDF

    The reason I often send out .jpeg proofs is not because of that, I can explain to the customer if they are concerned, it is providing a good enough proof that they will stiff my employer and print it off the web or elsewhere.

    When this happens so frequently, you have to think twice. We have scads of unpicked up business cards, which makes me wonder if people don't order them from several sources and then just pick up the ones that called first with notification.

    The best setting is X/1A and then I change from zip to no compression, change embed fonts to convert to curves. I also make sure that if I have outlined any font, that the line ends and joints are rounded.

    I also have to place work from .pdf and if I need to get into one and fix what the customer did, it is better from the standpoint of not having to own or have installed every font out there, whether MAC or PC.

    I'll give you an instance of a customer being dumb. I received in a Publisher file and I got a font error. So I called the customer up and told the font which was lacking but because we don't do color copies in house, we send them out and they rival offset for perfection, I told the lady that a .pdf would be preferrable, could she make one out of Publisher? She then took the print out she made for herself, scanned it in via her copier and turned it into a .pdf that way and emailed it to me. Oh, it was truly horrid. The idea was that we would have the company we outsource the color copies to, to use the .pdf to print from. So I found where the font was which we didn't have, she had used it in her bullets which she selected as stars. Publisher allows you to select the font in their advanced features, but if you select on their default choices, you get one of their fonts, retrieved from someone's trash compacter -- if anyone else can print it, good luck. The genius of Microsoft, I guess: they must be smart, they know how to make money despite selling a product incompatible with the printing needs of their customers.

    Between that and people who bring me their 72 dpi "professionally taken pictures" from Walmart on a 3 1/2" floppy, where are their brains??? I joke with customers because they've heard that artists are "left-brained" as in "I left my brain at home." They laugh in agreement, only the joke is on them.... if you have enough wit to go create a joke, you are pretty saavy. And if they are so smart and I am so stupid, then why can I do what they can't? I also draw engineering drawings and am a technical illustrator. I just am not doing that work at the moment.

    I can run a spread sheet too, I just don't prefer to do so.
    Every day's a new day, "draw" on what you've learned.

    Sally M. Bode




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