I haven't had your specific problem but I have had other problems when DRAW would only perform as expected when it was openned in the version the booklet was created in.

One thing I'd try before giving up the ghost and retyping, is making a .pdf from your file. This usually strips any miscellaneous code from the file that is giving a problem. You may just need to make .pdf of the individual pages which are the problem and then import them and replace the problem pages. I would think this would work.

Sometimes DRAW can balk at printing something with too many nodes on a page, if you can simplify the nodes, that helps. In addition, if you leave leftovers from pasteup on the pasteboard and not on the page, it can cause printing errors. If I need to keep the scrap, I put it all on some back pages of the publication unless I am building a booklet, then I create a separate file for scrap art.

Often old publications can have OLE embedded Word files and they can give a platemaker a fit and in version 12, could take a week (it seems) to update just in order to zoom it. Nuts, made a .pdf out of it and pasted it back in, both my printing problem and my speed problem were history.

Good Luck.