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    Default Xtreme "Pro" wishlist

    Seems i am not the only one who whishes there was a Xtreme Pro version (an improved XaraX1 if you will) so i thought it would be a good idea to start a wishlist thread in case Xara Ltd finally realizes the need for such a "pro" version

    So here are my thoughts, please feel free to add anything i might have forgotten.

    Basically my dream Xtreme would be based on the Xara X1 version but including:

    - Improved and up to date output/export options from the Xtreme version

    - Color profile options, i.e ability to import your own color profiles like isocoated.icc, SWOP, Euroscale, eciRGB etc etc

    - Additional Color palettes: Pantone, HKS and the ability to import your own

    - Switch button to convert to/from RGB/CMYK instead of having to alter the actual color values to turn to CMYK

    - 3D extrusion tools

    - PSD export

    - Stationary templates *with* crops and bleeds

    Here's an option that i have'nt seen in any application so far so it's not really Xtreme specific but it would be great if Xtreme would be the first one to include it:

    So far, if you're using shadows within Xara the only option you have converting-wise is "turn to shapes" which actually turns the shadows into a bitmap.

    Now, how great would it be if there was an option to turn the shadow automatically into a *vector* shape ?!

    Meaning, such an option would replace the drop shadow with a gradient vector shape that was automatically calculated by some Xara algorithm to match the original drop shadow as closely as technically possible.

    That would help to have your artwork 100% vector and to avoid mixes of vector and bitmap when desired.

    I guess there might be other wishlist items i'm just not thinking of right now, so please add your own to this thread.

    Last edited by beatz01; 04 July 2006 at 06:14 PM.



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