First brief history: I’ve been using Menu Maker for a couple of years on both Dreamweaver and FrontPage 2003. In this case I am using Menu Maker 1.1 on FrontPage 2003. There have been NO changes in this particular web structure or location of the menu maker which is in the header of FrontPage 2003 – all has worked perfectly until recently (should clarify when I say no changes I have added/modified pages and have changed some of the target frames but nothing that I don’t normally do and none of these effected this or that I noticed)

Problem: I am baffled and frustrated – When I mouse-over the navigational bar, it gets stuck? For example I have seven nav buttons at the top, when I mouse over the top of one it drops down the menu which is what I want it to do but then when you mouse off it sticks??? It has never done this so what I want is to mouse over/pull up, mouse off/go and click to select. My setting have always been set to ‘mouse off feature’, I have tried changing and playing around but nothing helps. Any suggestions?