I am very surprised at the lack of support for this software. I have been trying to get help for the last week. All mail with the ticket number in the subject line comes back to me with a message saying....not recorded, permission denied.
This is the address I am sending to:
rt@contact.xara.com [rt@contact.xara.com] Normally when confronted with this level of service, I go through the chain of command for redress. This is certainly not possible when nobody answers.

Why offer a product and advertise free technical support for a year if you're not prepared to do give just that?

The only other time I have come in contact with this kind of thinking was with a small Canadian company that offered a great gradebook. They worked out of the home in their spare time so I could cut them some slack. Their software didn't cost over $100 CDN either.

I am not really expecting any help but wanted to set out why I am concerned. Basically, this software is useless to me now.