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Thread: Merging images

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    What pacjage would you recommend for merging images together? What I mean by this is the image starts at the left as a car but then fades out/merges with a different image that might be a horse, so what you have is one image, composed of two that gradually merge into each other.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002


    What pacjage would you recommend for merging images together? What I mean by this is the image starts at the left as a car but then fades out/merges with a different image that might be a horse, so what you have is one image, composed of two that gradually merge into each other.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    here's something I just did after reading your post


    It's a quick sample I did using PhotoImpact ( www.ulead.com ). I used the lasso selection tool with snap to edges to copy out the lipstick tube off a pic. Then I pasted that selection onto the pic of the cow. I rotated the lipstick tube a bit to line up with the cow and resized it a bit to make it the same width as the cow body. I then clicked mask mode with the lipstick selected and used the linear gradient fill with one end colour black and one end clour white. The blacker the colour the more transparency is given to that place on the lipstick while in mask mode (therefore the gradient used would go between black and white and all the shaeds of grey between and give gradually more transparency). Exiting mask mode left me with a lipstick which faded out at the end. With it positioned over the cow body they appear to be melded together. Is this something like what you were wondering?

    If you want a longer area where they meld , draw on a longer linear transparency in mask mode

    David K ... www.dkingdesign.com http://www.dkingdesign.com/stuff/signature.jpg

  4. #4


    You can achieve the same effect with Photoshop 6 (or any other version I suppose) useing the layer mask effect. Line your images up on two separate layers and (for both layers) hit the add layer mask tab - reveal all (black will be your active colour in masking off areas you want to be transparent). Play around with the airbrush tool until your image looks just the way you want it to. Very easy once you get to doing it.

    One Love.
    One Love.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Hey folks, fact is, one could do this type of effect on most any app, it just the difference in approaches and techniques that count from there.

    I have to laugh when I see the loyalties show up from one app to another, but if ya all want to know my loyalty here...

    I myself use PI for oh so many reasons, but basically because it has truly led the way beyond what many other so called industry standards have managed to do. Pound per pound, dollar per dollar it kicks most others right where it smarts.

    However, that said, there are many wonderful apps/tools for one to employ when creating worx...
    Real Draw Pro, Painter etc.

    Basically, what ever worx for ya...have fun all




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