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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Surrey, BC, Canada


    Ok..I admit it, I'm bored. I've played with Photoshop from the start. It seems that there are very few really incredible sites out there with amazing artwork and tutorials. The ones that do offer "above average" tips, seem to cost money now days. I ask, where is the passion that used to exist among PS users? The net has become a jumble of advertising, and very little content. Help!ozid2000@home.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Seattle, WA


    The majority of these people use Photoshop and they are very talented.. check out http://www.digitaldivas.com


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Westbank, BC Canada


    Hiya ozid!

    Being a Canadian myself i feel comfortable about saying that to you. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    And i too have been wondering that for a few years now and do very much so agree with your note about how things have seemed to go the way of "the buck". All in the name of money, and not in the way of passion. O well, such is life. Each to his/her own i say.

    In case you don't know this, and you may very well not, i'm the author of a Photoshop Web site myself. It used to be hosted here on i/us (for about 3yrs) but i've recently moved it to a new home. It's called "The Photoshop Guru's Handbook". And i don't have it loaded up with adverts either. So you can feel free to visit the site anytime you please without all the 'eye-sore'. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]
    The only thing i should mention here though is that i cater to a very wide audience (or at least i try to), so if you're an experienced user there will most likely be only a bit of stuff there you may find useful. And then again, there may be none; i don't know!

    But it can't hurt to have a look anyway right?
    Here's my new home addy:

    The Photoshop Guru's Handbook

    Oh ya and by-the-way ozid... i'm from Vancouver BC. Right next door practically to you! hahaa [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    Take care,
    Mark (aka theKeeper)...




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