Howdy - I am having the same problems, and I am afraid that support really did not drill down far enough on it with me. Here is what they wrote:


The only items that need to be inserted into your web page is a few lines of html. The html references the javascript files and the javascript files reference the graphic files.

When your web page is viewed in a browser, the browser will read the html code and retrieve the files allowing them to be displayed.

If you go via windows explorer to the location where you exported the navbar to you will see several graphic files (.gif, .jpg or .png) one or more javascript files (.js) and one or more web pages (.html) double click on a web page to view it in a browser with the navbar displayed.

Then select to view its source by selecting View and then source from the toolbar.

you will see several lines of HTML in between the
<body> and </body>
tag. Copy this and insert it within your web page.--

Your web page editor should have an html view or provide an option to insert html.

Next save the web page.

Last of all copy the graphic files exported when you saved the navbar to the same folder as where you saved the web page."


I have tried these steps to no avail - over and over again. This product is wonderful up until the point you have to deal with these crazy .js files and scripts. Hope this explanation will help you.

Steve C