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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Dallas, Tx


    I have noticed that a number of sites are making use of lines in the background that gives a very nice effect. Every time I try it (especially if the lines fade by a mask), the lines look distorted and out of place (or don't fade at all). I imported (cheated) one site that makes good use of this and when I copy their lines, it works. When I do it myself, it looks like &#%@. I looked all over to see what is different and I can't find a thing. Is this just me or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2


    Just create a new symbol the draw your lines convert them to fill (main menu> Modify> Curves> lines to fill and then create a new layer above and make a box. Fill the box with a gradient make the end of the gradient an alpha and bam you lines will fade into the gradient. Regards, Bill

    Macromeidians 1:1

    In the begining the web was dark and void, and the net was with out color or shape, Then there was a Flash and Life came to the web and vision became reality.
    Macromeidians 1:1

    In the begining the web was dark and void, and the net was with out color or shape, Then there was a Flash and Life came to the web and vision became reality.




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