Hi Sally,

I tend to only update them, when I answer questions in the Corel hosted newsgroups at


Which is where I frequent most often.

Hence the lack of information about what they do.


All the script files can be made to run in CorelDRAW 12 by opening the (V11 .CSC) files in notepad and changing coreldraw.automation.11 to coreldraw.automation.12

I think all the VBA files will work in Draw 12, I use a lot of them regularly. I only had to alter AlignOutside for V12. TemplateLoader is not needed as anymore as this was fixed in service pack 2 for Draw 11.

I am switching ISPs at the moment, just got broadband, so when I setup a new site I will try and update things. The current homepage will probably disappear in a couple of months

Some of the best stuff (much better than mine) can be found at

Oberon Place and Isocalc in the cool tools section. I learned a lot from Alex and Nick

