This is a bit beyond my skills but I think it should be possible.

You are receiving so many spams and viruses because your email address exists in probably hundreds of thousands of HTML pages in web caches across the world.

In javascript it might be possible to do the following, perhaps an HTML/script wiz (Maybe even someone at Xara) could come up with the following.

Instead of having a 'mail to:' link on the web page, you have a button that points to a java script routine that ROT13's (shifts all characters along the alphabet by 13 places) an already ROT13nd email address stored in the webpage prior to calling 'mail to:' (it may be possible to use a slightly more complex form of encryption, just in case spam trawlers are wise to ROT13)

Since the ROT13nd address stored in the web page will be utterly useless it won't matter if it is trawled by search engines and others. It will still be possible to email you with one click of the mouse, but this would require user intervention and somebody actually wanting to contact you, hopefully with relevant correspondance.

If it is possible, it might take several months to stem the tide as search engine web spiders gradually update their caches and users clear there temporary internet caches but eventually unwanted emails might slow down. It won't stop the spammers that already have the email address stored elsewhere but maybe if this idea fails now, it might work in the future if you change the email address and report any future offenders to Spam Cop.

As I said the idea may not be workable, it is beyond my current skills, just thought it might be worth mentioning



The style challenged Pete'sCrypt