"has a "drawing area" of 4x6"

I think it's 4"x5" isn't it. That's what my graphire is.

Generally wacom tablets are considered top of the line. Whether other makes are just as good I don't know but I know there are some that are not worth bothering with. Things to look out for are...

1) pens that need batteries ... wacom pens don't
2) pens attached by a wire ... wacom pens aren't
3) check out the tablet pressure levels
4) check out the tablet resolution

a new graphire2 is like $99US


If you wanted, check out Aiptek tablets


most of these say 'refurbished item'. ODd to have only refurbished items listed http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/confused.gif

Myself, I'd go for at least the 4x5 graphire2. My graphire is over 2 years old and works excellently (so for me it's been about 14 cents US a day for my graphire http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/wink.gif )

David K ... www.dkingdesign.com http://www.dkingdesign.com/stuff/signature.jpg