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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Charlotte, NC, USA


    OK, I'm gonna try and explain this without confusing anyone......

    I have a movie embedded in an html doc. Within that main movie are buttons that link to other HTML pages w/ different movies embeded.
    I need Movie "A" to call a certain point in Movie "B", depending on which button was pressed in Movie "B".
    My question is:
    Can I have Movie "A" call a certain Frame or MC of Movie "B" even though "B" technically hasn't been loaded?

    The HTML part of the pages are different, so I
    don't know if this can be done via FS command or if I am screwed.

    Any suggestions or references are greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Charlotte, NC, USA


    OK, I'm gonna try and explain this without confusing anyone......

    I have a movie embedded in an html doc. Within that main movie are buttons that link to other HTML pages w/ different movies embeded.
    I need Movie "A" to call a certain point in Movie "B", depending on which button was pressed in Movie "B".
    My question is:
    Can I have Movie "A" call a certain Frame or MC of Movie "B" even though "B" technically hasn't been loaded?

    The HTML part of the pages are different, so I
    don't know if this can be done via FS command or if I am screwed.

    Any suggestions or references are greatly appreciated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada


    Well, if you set a variable for whichever frame you want to go to in the other movie, your new page can then retrieve the information using JavaScript of (preferably) something like ASP/JSP/PHP/etc., and then put that information into an FS command. It's a bit tricky, but it can be done. The main part of a trick is to get it to read the variables. For example, in JSP, you'd use something like "String myVar = (String)request.getParameter("GetVariable") where the variable passed was called GetVariable. Then you'd use myVar in any generated scripts (like the FS scripts). Hopefully this gets you started on the right track! There's probably a simpler way to do this, but this is my preferred method (mostly cuz I don't do this sort of thing too often, and so I've never given it too much thought...hehehehe!)

    Deep (just a guy)

    <pre><font face="courier" size="2">,-----------------------------.

    | Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math |

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    | ICQ#: 39102360 |

    | Medius Communications, Inc. |

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    Deep (just a guy)
    Pradeep Kumar Nair, B.Math
    9 Story Entertainment




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